From Wiki
This page describes the organization activities that are taking place to have DebConf5 in Helsinki, Finland.
- From July 1st till 18th.
- HUT ( ), Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland.
DebConf5CallForVolunteers contains a ascii flyer calling for volunteers.
DebConf5CurrentStatus describes what has been agreed on / what is being processed.
Lists of things to be done:
- Volunteer Manager: DebConf5VolunteerManager, with support from DebConf5Volunteers
- Schedule: DebConf5Schedule
- Schedule: DebConf5ShoppingList
- Schedule: DebConf5TimelineBuildUp
- Schedule: DebConf5Checkout
- Location: DebConf5TodoLocation
- IT Administration: DebConf5TodoAdministration
- Sleeping facilities: DebConf5TodoSleepingFacilities
- Catering and food: DebConf5TodoCateringFood
- Social events: DebConf5TodoSocialEvents
- Accounting: DebConf5TodoAccounting
- Communication: DebConf5TodoCommunication
- Press: DebConf5TodoPress
- Video-streaming: DebConf5TodoVideoStreaming
- Talks: DebConf5TodoTalks
- Graphical Design: DebConf5TodoGraphicalDesign
- Travel: DebConf5TodoTravel
- Key signing: DebConf5TodoKeySigning
- Sponsorship: DebConf5TodoSponsorship
- Conference management system: DebConf5TodoConferenceManagementSystem
- Debian Day: DebConf5TodoDebianDay
- Networking status: DebConf5NetworkingInHEL