Please move unsuitable venues to the last section.
Contents |
[edit] Short list
Venues that will be submitted as part of the bid.
Region | Name | Subpage link |
Baden-Württemberg / Heidelberg | Heidelberg International | /HeidelbergIntl |
Bayern / München | Accomodation: Haus International, conference: Hochschule München | /Munich |
Bayern / Treuchtlingen | City of Treuchtlingen: | /Treuchtlingen |
[edit] Medium list
Venues that look really good with few open questions.
Region | Name | Subpage link |
Franken / Nürnberg | Jugendherberge Nürnberg Detailinfos |
/JugendherbergeNuernberg |
Schleswig-Holstein / Plön | Koppelsberg am Plöner See | /Koppelsberg |
[edit] Long list
Venues that seem suitable, who have already provided preliminary offers, or with whom there has already been extensive communication:
Region | Name | Subpage link |
NRW / Dortmund | Jugendgästehaus Dortmund | /JGHDortmund |
Oberbayern / Altötting | Forum Altötting | /Altoetting |
NRW / Köln | Zentrum f. Veranstaltungen im MediaPark Köln | /KomedKoeln |
Hessen / Fulda | Esperanto Fulda | Ganneff: No contact yet. 327 Rooms, accessible, lots of conference knowledge and technic available] |
[edit] Venues (awaiting replies)
Region | Name | Status |
Oberbayern / Berchtesgaden | Kongresszentrum BG | bzed: inquired for more information 2013-08-29 |
Oberbayern / Bad Reichenhall | various locations in Bad Reichenhall | bzed: inquired for more information 2013-08-29 |
Oberbayern / Chiemsee area | Various locations in the Chiemsee area | bzed: inquired for more information 2013-08-29 |
Franken / Coburg | Jubi Neukirchen | madduck inquired 2013-08-23 and again 2013-09-27 (due to holiday) |
NRW / Witten | Uni Witten-Herdecke | madduck established contact 2013-08-21, first reaction "non-negative", but no housing possibility yet |
Ostbayern / Bischofsmais | Ferienpark Bischofsmais | RichiH: 1400 beds, partially accessible Email sent 2013-09-04, 2013-09-29 |
Oberbayern / Siegsdorf | Ferienpark Bayernpark Ruhpolding | RichiH: 550 beds, fully accessible, next to Ferienheim und Bildungszentrum Siegsdorf Email sent 2013-09-04 Weird, semi-friendly contact who does not appear to speak German too well; outcome unclear |
Ostbayern / Waldkirchen | Ferienpark Jägerwiesen | RichiH: 600 beds, partially accessible Email sent 2013-09-04, 2013-09-29 |
Bayern / Lechbruck | Feriendorf Hochbergle | RichiH: 782 beds, fully accessible Email sent 2013-09-04, 2013-09-29 |
Oberbayern / Babenhausen (Allgäu) | Schwäbische Jugendbildungs- und Begegnungsstätte Babenhausen | RichiH: Email sent 2013-09-04, 2013-09-29 |
Mittelfranken / Altmühltal | ABG Tagungszentrum | RichiH: Email sent 2013-09-04, 2013-09-29 |
Oberpfalz / Falkenstein | Ferienpark Falkenstein | RichiH: Email sent 2013-09-04, 2013-09-29 |
Oberpfalz / Waldmünchen | Jubi Waldmünchen | RichiH: Email sent 2013-09-04, 2013-09-29 |
[edit] Venues (no contact yet)
Add your venue proposal to the list. If you have not yet established contact and/or would prefer someone else to take care of that, mention "no contact yet" in the status field. Or establish contact. Here is a suggestion for the initial letter by madduck: /Anschreiben.
Please insert your entry with the other entries from the same Bundesland.
Region | Name | Status |
Brandenburg / Hohenwerder | Inselparadies Petzow | Fha: criteria yet unchecked, no contact |
Brandenburg / Joachimsthal | EJB am Werbellinsee | Fha: criteria yet unchecked, no contact |
Oberbayern / Murnau | Kultur- und Tagungszentrum Murnau | Fha: No contact yet; only conference venue, beds have to be taken from the pool of available hotels etc.. Before going ahead, consider a) whether prices are accepable anyway and b) whether bed needs can be fulfilled be a reasonable small set of locations and c) whether common criteria are met anyway |
Hessen / Frankfurt | Jugendherberge Frankfurt – Haus der Jugend | Fha: criteria yet unchecked, no contact |
NRW / Köln | Köln Jugendherberge Köln-Deutz City Hostel | Fha: criteria yet unchecked, no contact |
Sachsen / Seifhennersdorf | KiEZ Querxenland | Fha: criteria yet unchecked, no contact |
Sachsen-Anhalt / Wernigerode | Harzer Kultur- und Kongresshotel | tille: Probably sufficient beds, several hotels around; three airports around but travel needs 2.5 hours per train including changing trains |
[edit] Associations (non-venues, but with portfolios)
Region | Name | Status |
deutschlandweit | | madduck response 2013-08-27, suggestion to look at JH Köln and Nürnberg (TODO) |
Bayern | in Bayern | madduck response 2013-09-02 with a list of venues doing conferences, which has yet to be processed. |
deutschlandweit | | madduck forwarded info to all houses 2013-08-26 |
Bayern | Zweckverband Bayrische Landschulheime | madduck inquired whether there are places that meet our biggest requirements 2013-08-23 |
Bayern | Schullandheim Werk e.V. | madduck: not aware of any sites with 300+ beds 2013-08-26 |
Oberbayern / München | Studentenwerk München | madduck: no short-term rentals 2013-09-02 |
deutschlandweit | Liste von Unterkuenften | RichiH: All Bavarian locations with more than 350 beds are listed below 2013-08-28 |
deutschlandweit | | Fha: all entries with criteria: at least 400 beds, at least five group rooms, suitable for seminars, internet access listed below 2013-09-08 |
[edit] Venues inquired 2010/2011
If you want to pick up any of these, please migrate the data to the table format.
- Saalbau Bottrop (, inquired by Plentyn)
7000E+MWSt (7 Tage, 1*>500er Reihenbestuhlung, 1*~200er Reihenbestulung, 2*50, 1*20)
- Zeche Zollverein (, inquired by Plentyn)
30000E (incl MWSt?) (7 Tage, 1*800 Reihenbestuhlung, 1*450 Reihenbestuhlung, 1*70, 1*30, 1*20)
- Eventcity Oberhausen (, inqured by Plentyn)
19500E+Mwst (7 Tage, 1*500er Reihenbestuhlung, 1*200er Reihenbestulung, 4 Tagungsräume)
- Congress Center Essen (, angefragt by Plentyn)
40000E+Mwst (7 Tage, 1*>500er Reihenbestuhlung, 2*200er Reihenbestuhlung, 4 Tagungsräume)
- (deprecated by rhalina)
[edit] Unsuitable venues
Region | Name | Reason |
Niedersachsen / Schneverding | Camp Reinsehlen | madduck sleeps max. 180 2013-08-26 |
Franken / Ipsheim | Burg Hoheneck | madduck: only 77 beds, too small |
Franken / Windberg | Jugendbildungsstätte Windberg | madduck: only ~100 beds, too small |
Oberbayern / Hindelang | Jubi Hindelang | madduck: only about 100 beds |
Oberbayern / Königsdorf | Jugendsiedlung Hochland | madduck: only 97 beds, too small |
Oberbayern / Pullach | Burg Schwaneck | madduck: only 131 beds, too small |
Oberbayern / Gauting | Institut für Jugendarbeit, Gauting | madduck: only 55 beds, too small |
Oberbayern / Tutzing | Evang. Akademie Tutzing | madduck: only about 90 beds, too small |
Oberbayern / Rosenheim | Ver.di Bildungszentrum Brannenburg | List discussion (too small) |
Oberbayern / Freilassing | Lokwelt Freilassing | bzed: replied: too small |
Oberbayern / München | München Park | madduck: 366 beds, plenary rooms not big enough, already too many bookings for summer 2015, 2013-09-03 |
Oberbayern / Dachau | Jugendherberge Dachau | madduck: 117 beds only, too small 2013-09-02 |
Oberbayern / Possenhofen | Jugendherberge Possenhofen | madduck: 134 beds only, too small 2013-09-02 |
Saarland / Saarbrücken | Schloss Dagstuhl | Suggestion by Lucas Nussbaum, but only hosts about 100 people |
Brandenburg / Spreewald | KiEZ Hölzerner See | madduck: no chance of reliable/fast Internet (except LTE, maybe) |
Rheinland-Pfalz / Bingen | Rheintal Kongresszentrum | bzed: replied with '...too small for such a conference...' - I assume because its run by nH Hotels and they don't have enough space in their own hotel for all people. If we run out of alternatives, I'll see if they are really too small - the building should be big enough for us imho. |
Oberbayern / Herrsching | Haus der bayerischen Landwirtschaft | RichiH: 2013-09-04 no capacity |
Oberbayern / Schliersee | Jugendbildungsstätte der IG-Metall | RichiH: Email sent 2013-09-04 RichiH: 2013-09-06: No capacity (60 beds), no interest |
Oberbayern / Freising | Boarding-Haus Freising | madduck: way too small 2013-09-27 |
Oberbayern / München | Haus International | madduck: 600+ beds, but only one conference room with 175 people 2013-09-27 |
Oberbayern / München | Jugendherberge München-City | madduck: 352 beds, no conference facilities, and none nearby 2013-09-27 |
Oberbayern / Benediktbeuern | Aktionszentrum Benediktbeuern | madduck: ~170 beds, inquired for more information 2013-08-23, no reply, no phone contact 2013-09-27 |
Oberbayern / Schliersee | Studienzentrum für evangelische Jugendarbeit e.V. | madduck: too small, max. 200 people with surrounding venues 2013-09-27 |
Bayern / Steingaden | Kath. Landvolkshochschule Wies e.V. & Karl-Eberth-Haus in Steingaden] & Bildungs- und Erholungsstätte Langau e.V. | madduck: 400 beds between the three venues, but >15 minutes walking between them |
Franken / Nürnberg | Burg Feuerstein | madduck too small, only 198 beds and renovations planned for 2015 |
Sachsen / Dresden | Jugendgästehaus Dresden | madduck: 480 beds, but no conference rooms 2013-09-27 |
Oberbayern / Oberhaching (bei München) | Sportschule Oberhaching Uebersicht | RichiH: No interest on their side as they are focussed on sports and can't accomodate us in parallel |
Ostbayern / Freyung | Ferienpark Geyersberg | RichiH: 360 beds, partially accessible Email sent 2013-09-04M No: No talk rooms, no food service. No talk rooms, no catering. |
Hessen / Darmstadt | Darmstadtium | /Darmstadt, but way too expensive, and charging for every detail means they probably are not flexible |
Oberbayern / Allgäu | Hotel Allgäu Stern | /AllgaeuStern Double-bed rooms are double-beds |
Hessen / Frankfurt/Würzburg | Schullandheim Wegscheide | /SLHWegscheide No upstream and too far away from anything |
Niedersachsen / Neuharlingersiel | Jugendherberge Neuharlingersiel | madduck: 398 beds, but conference rooms are too small 2013-09-29 |
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Rügen | Jugendherberge Prora mit Zeltplatz | madduck: 418 beds, one conference room with 250 chairs, the next has only 40 |
Bayern / Stamsried | Sportstätte und Familienerholungsdorf Glocknerhof | RichiH: 500 beds, fully accessible Email sent 2013-09-04, 2013-09-29 They told us they don't have the capacity. RichiH 2013-10-03 |
Oberbayern / Inzell | Jugendferiendorf Inzell | RichiH: 349 beds, fully accessible Email sent 2013-09-04, 2013-09-29 They don't think we are suitable for them. RichiH 2013-10-03 |
Unterfranken / Würzburg | Jubi Unterfranken | RichiH: Email sent 2013-10-03 Don't have enough meeting rooms. RichiH 2013-10-07 |
Oberbayern / Garmisch Patenkirchen | Kongress GaPa | /GarmischPatenkirchen RichiH: Too expensive. Near-ish Youth hostel only has 207 beds, hotels are very expensive in the touristy area. |
Sachsen / Lausitz | Kulturinsel Einsiedel | pixelpapst: formal contact established, strange & wonderful place - ruled out for DebConf due to size (largest talk room would be ~150 people) but might be suitable for Mini-DebConf or a stand-alone DebCamp |
Note: those venues that are ruled out by madduck because they are too small could be checked again, maybe there is another accomodation in close proximity.