DebConf Documentation
From Wiki
- Registration
- opening and deadlines
- late comers
- registration system
- Frontdesk
- badges
- tshirts (sizes and types)
- swag
- Accommodation
- Room sizes
- Bed configurations
- room allocation
- bathrooms
- Food
- Allergies
- Vegetarians / Vegans
- Food tickets and organization
- food/drinks/volume
- Snacks
- Water fountains and drinks
- Food for external people
- Accessibility
- wheelchair
- blind
- Venue
- network infrastructure
- Venue capacity
- Hacklab
- 24 hours hacklab (/night hacklab)
- capacity
- power bars
- quiet hacklab
- security and safety
- Content
- Official talks
- ad-hoc talks
- scheduling
- Types of talks (BoF, presentations, plennary, etc..)
- Sprints
- Template for inviting speakers
- Social events
- Formal dinner
- DayTrip
- Cheese and Wine
- Debian birthday party
- Bursaries
- process to ask for sponsorship
- food+room sponsorship
- travel sponsorship
- unused money
- Budget
- Finance
- Volunteers
- Bids
- selection process
- Timeline (no with months, but rather with respect the conference state)
- Communication
- press
- attendees
- website
- wiki
- announcements
- final report
- Teams
- meetings
- onsite meetings
- video