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[edit] TODO list

[edit] Agenda

Time Item Presenter Priority Background Goal
19:01 Registrations, CfP status cate, rmayorga high Are we ready to go? Should keynote / invited speakers thing be mentioned in the CfP? When is the deadline? Fix deadlines and delegate the last things that need doing
~19:15 Conference dinner loni high Status updates: Dedicate a responsible person and sketch a timeline
~19:20 Day trip  ? medium Delegate to a responsible person and sketch a timeline
~19:25 Website status larjona, _rene_ medium Status updates Deadline for next deliverable
~19:30 Sponsor relations madduck medium We could/should develop ideas like job fair with the sponsors, and engage in contact with them, also as a platform to mention things like the raffle Who would be willing to do that?
~19:35 DC15 media strategy larjona, madduck medium FSFE will assist us with media work in DE, and specifically with Heise (possibly the most influential media source on IT topics here). It would make sense to formulate a plan for when to publish what where and only then turn to the media. Appoint a responsible person, work over DebConf15/Germany/PromotionIdeas. Matthias at FSFE has 24&26 Feb blocked at 14–15 CET for a briefing.
~19:40 TODO list updates marga, madduck medium What are the open issues? What are things we need to work on more/better? Update
~19:45 DebConf16 announcement highvoltage low Sign off and push
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