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[edit] DebConf6 meetings

Once the DebConf5 book is closed, there will be regular meetings for DebConf6 on IRC on the #debconf-team channel on

[edit] Agenda for the next meeting on Monday 1 May, 19 UTC

Someone needs to chair the meeting and encourage on topicness. Points shall be processed in the order as they appear (change it now if you think a different order is better). The meeting shall be finished after 90min. (or 60?) at max.

Please add the agenda here.

  1. budget-related
    1. audio-woes: we have got offers from people to lend us 4 mics, 2 wireless, 1 directional wired, 1 enviromental wired, nadeshda+gunnar can bring their amplifier and speakers so for one room we will only need the mixer, if we ask just for the mixer (550.00 m$) and talk the coordinator into giving us the speakers, then we just have to pay: 2,050.00 m$ per day - which is still over budget (2000 u$ vs 900 u$ in budget) our plan: try to rent it locally cheaper (p2-mate and a local drive to local stores), if that fails, get it from the hotel, if that fails for money reason, use build-in mics
      1. DebConf6DayTripCodundrum [conundrum?]
      2. insurance of DebConf6LentStuff
  2. final 'practical details' message to participants
  3. brief description of video setup to sync with localteam
  4. DebConf6Network is a todolist and timeline, but lacks names and some actions, too
  5. debconf6 blog: publish on planet, for those watching at home and to support debconf-announce@

[edit] Agenda for the next meeting on Monday 24 April, 19 UTC

Someone needs to chair the meeting and encourage on topicness. Points shall be processed in the order as they appear (change it now if you think a different order is better). The meeting shall be finished after 90min. (or 60?) at max.

Please add the agenda here.

  1. Rejections: Debconf "accepting" policy / Debcamp "accepting" policy
  2. "final" answer to
  • <gwolf> has proposed DebianDay to be in the tower, Debconf talks to be split between tower and hacklab
    • also, where is the server room(s?), the video editing room(s)
  1. budget situation
  2. proceedings
  3. other details for day trip and for special dinner?
  4. Air conditioning? UPSes? Other supplementary equipment?
  5. video notebooks

[edit] Agenda for the next meeting on Monday 17 April, 19 UTC

Someone needs to chair the meeting and encourage on topicness. Points shall be processed in the order as they appear (change it now if you think a different order is better). The meeting shall be finished after 90min. (or 60?) at max.

Please add the agenda here.

  1. Advances (and problems?) regarding money/equipment
  2. Flight tickets from University
  3. Setting definitive dates/schedules
    1. Final numbers for lodging/food: Apr 18
    2. Daytrip
    3. Key signing party
    4. Formal dinner
    5. Talk schedule / BoF schedule
  4. infrastructure: uplink status, cooling, electricity (do we have that big cable, do we need money for it?)
    1. Walkie talkies / communication in the orga team
  5. status: t-shirts, proceedings
  6. localteam:
    1. wheelchair: Needs to be bought/rented (how many?). From the Wiki: Somebody, please, contact them (yes, in .mx) and check.
    2. Visa status
  7. Talks -- Speakers
    1. Proceedings
    2. Demoted talks
    3. (compulsory) speaker training

[edit] Agenda for the next meeting on Monday 3 April, 20 UTC

  1. Visa invitations
  1. financial situation
    1. expected costs
    2. cutting costs
  2. art work
    1. tshirt -
    2. banners
    3. print stuff
      1. proceedings
      2. posters
  3. strategy for more people after reconfirmation
  4. special food (kosher?)

[edit] Agenda for the next meeting on Monday 20 March, 20 UTC

Someone needs to chair the meeting and encourage on topicness. Points shall be processed in the order as they appear (change it now if you think a different order is better). The meeting shall be finished after 90min. (or 60?) at max.

  1. financial situation
    1. downpayment to hotel
    2. outstanding sponsors
  2. debian day
    1. translation (intel talk)
  3. tshirts, art
  4. reconfirmation starts soon
  5. announcment mail: reconfimation, arrivals page, flight info, ...
  6. localteam
    1. gwolf and nadeshda (aka "localteam") need your help!
    2. is two month old, please update!
    3. uplink
  7. misc + next meeting

[edit] Agenda for the next infrastructure team meeting on Wednesday 15 March, 19 UTC

Someone needs to chair the meeting and encourage on topicness. Points shall be processed in the order as they appear (change it now if you think a different order is better). The meeting shall be finished after 90min. (or 60?) at max.

  1. About
  3. Timeline
  4. Uplink
  5. Wishlist from Aruba
  6. Next meeting

[edit] Agenda for the next meeting on Monday 6 March, 21 UTC

Someone needs to chair the meeting and encourage on topicness. Points shall be processed in the order as they appear (change it now if you think a different order is better). The meeting shall be finished after 90min. (or 60?) at max.

  1. Budget + Sponsorship, cost cutting
  2. participants' sponsorship request
    1. fasttracking participants
    2. can Ganneff continue this task?
  3. "the intel talks" at debconf and debian day
  4. status about debian day (cfp, etc)
  5. new date for the infrastructure meeting
  6. localteam news + status
    1. extra rooms
    2. updated maps
    3. internet uplink
    4. power / cooling
  7. misc
  8. next meeting

[edit] Agenda for the next meeting on Monday 20 February, 19 UTC

Someone needs to chair the meeting and inforce strict on topicness. Points shall be processed in the order as they appear (change it now if you think a different order is better). The meeting shall be finished after 90min. at max.

  1. Budget + Sponsorship, crisis, call for help?
  2. "the intel talks" at debconf+day
  3. internet uplink
  4. localteam news + status
    1. debian day
    2. inmigration/visas
    3. internet
    4. shirts
    5. van
    6. someone from mexico should join the infrastructure team & mailinglists

[edit] Agenda for the infrastructure meeting on Monday 30 January, 19 UTC on#debconf-team/freenode

h01ger intends to chair the meeting and encourage strict on-topicness (but would be real happy if somebody else (who otherwise doesn't intend to be active during the meeting) would do this job). Points shall be processed in the order as they appear (change it now if you think a different order is better)

  1. general ideas / work flow
  2. requirements
  3. testing the setups at home
  4. find a date for the next meeting

60min. should be sufficient for this meeting, 90 at the very max.

[edit] Agenda for the next meeting on Monday 23 January

h01ger intends to chair the meeting and inforce strict on topicness. Points shall be processed in the order as they appear (change it now if you think a different order is better)

  1. Budget + Sponsorship
  2. debian-day cfp
  3. infrastructure (forming a team, proposing a meeting)

[edit] Meeting minutes

Every meeting will have its "minutes" (summary of the discussion) so it is easy to read about decision if you weren't present during a meeting or joined the organisation late.

  1. 14 July 2005
  2. 28 August 2005
  3. 21 November 2005 - Full Log: [[1]]
  4. February 2006 - Full Log:]
  5. March 2006 - Full Log:]

[edit] Next meetings (dates will be announced on the mailing list)

  • DONE Sunday, 28 August 17 UTC-
  • DONE Sunday, 18 September 19 UTC-
  • DONE Sunday, 16 October 19 UTC
  • DONE Monday, 21 November 19 UTC
  • DONE Monday, 19 December 20 UTC
  • MOVED 16 January 19 UTC to 23 January 19 UTC
  • DONE Monday, 23 January 19 UTC
  • DONE 20 February 19 UTC
  • DONE 06 March 21 UTC
  • DONE 15 March 19 UTC [Infraestructure]
  • DONE 20 March 19 UTC
  • 04 April 20 UTC
  • 17 April 19 UTC

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