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[edit] DebConf6 meeting 14 July 2005

[edit] Present:

  • Gunnar Wolf
  • Andreas Schuldei
  • Aschwin van der Woude (made minutes)

[edit] Topics

[edit] Location

Gunnar has found a hotel with enough rooms and other facilities, that seem to have a reasonable price. It will need more investigation and calulations to see if it is indeed suitable.

[edit] Dates

Gunnar suggested May 2006 as the best month to hold DebConf6 in Mexico as this is before the general elections in Mexico and also before the rainy season. Aschwin voiced his concern that this might be a fairly short time-frame to organise another DebConf in. But as we will probably use hotel-facilities, which should take care of a lot of issues, it might actually be doable.

[edit] Theme

Gunnar suggested to continue having a slogan as we had with DebConf5 "See you in Hel". After some brain-storming about what people might associate with Mexico, we came up with the slogan "Hot and Spicy". With this slogan could actually create a whole theme around DebConf6, not just the logo and website, but perhaps also something with the day-trip, formal diner, etc.

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