
[edit] Why Curitiba
Curitiba is a cosmopolitan city that receives people from all over the country. It has a small but vibrant technology scene and a strong culture of innovation. The city has a number of tourist attractions, both inside the city limits and around it. There is also a strong cultural scene with attractions for all tastes including theater, movies, music, and comedy.
Southern Brazil has a strong history of immigration during the last couple of centuries, and Curitiba has significant immigrant communities, including German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, and Ukrainian, Syrian and Lebanese. This plurality is reflected in a broad range of typical food available, as well as corresponding cultural landmarks of these populations which are an integral part of the city culture.
Since 2015 there has been an effort to organize more Debian-related events in Brazil, with the intention of showing people how Debian works and that participating in the project is easy and fun. The core group putting this bid forward has organized a MiniDebconf in Curitiba in 2016, and is organizing another one for early 2017. See what #Debian Community in Brazil has done on the last years.
2018 will mark 10 years since Debconf was last held in South America (Mar del Plata, 2008) so we think it's about time for Debconf to come back.
The free software community in Brazil enjoys organizing events to bring people together. We have big events like FISL, Latinoware, FLISOL, FGSL, etc. But we have noticed that many people of this community don't help free software with code. So, we believe if we have the principal event of the biggest global free software project here in Brazil, we can encourage new contributors to code, translate, write documentation, etc. We have reports of people who went to DebConf4 in 2004 in Porto Alegre and now they are DDs, DMs and contributors.
Brazil has been experiencing a technological inclusion movement, it may seem strange to say that in 2017, but in many cities here people are still discovering how to produce technology by themselves. In 2016 there were several events called hackathons where people from various areas who are passionate about technology could create some solution to a specific challenge. This type of event is bringing ordinary people closer to technology and it has helped to intensify collaborative work.
At MiniDebConf Curitiba 2016 came people from several cities, one of them told us that he came by motorcycle from São Paulo (480km far from Curitiba). Another guy who participated for the first time in a packaging workshop was able to follow the instructions and finalized the package on the next day. This type of hands on event is not vey common in Brazil and the acceptance has been very positive, more and more people are participating. Because of that we think that bringing DebConf to Brazil will encourage more people to collaborate with the project.
[edit] Pronouncing "Curitiba"
- Listen here (Ogg Vorbis, 10KB)
[edit] Geographic location
Curitiba is the capital of Paraná State. It's located between São Paulo and Porto Alegre (where DebConf4 took place, and it's 408km from São Paulo.
Curitiba is 100km far from the coast.
[edit] How to arrive
Usually international flights will arrive in either the city of São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro, and then you'll connect to Curitiba on a local airline like Gol, Latam, or Azul. So, upon arrival in e.g. São Paulo you don't have to buy a ticket for the remainder of the journey. For example, you can buy a ticket from London to Curitiba, with a connection in São Paulo, and pay for both flights at once.
[edit] By plane from São Paulo
The travel time between São Paulo–Guarulhos International Airport (GRU) and Curitiba's Afonso Pena International Airport (CWB) is 1h 5min.
[edit] By bus from São Paulo
From São Paulo to Curitiba it is 6h by bus, but it is very viable, safe and comfortable to travel that route, and there is at least two companies with a lot of departures in their timetables: Viação Cometa.
[edit] Weather
July is winter in Brazil, but we don't have snow and the weather is drier than in summer. We have little rain.
Curitiba is known to be the "coldest capital" in Brazil, so the weather during Debconf will definitely not be too hot.
According to the historical data from the last 30 years the temperature in July is:
Month | Minimun | Maximum | Rainfall |
July | 8° C | 20°C | 99 mm |
July | 46,4°F | 68°F | 99 mm |
[edit] Communities Debian User Group Paraná and Curitiba Livre
The Debian User Group Paraná (GUD-BR-PR) started in 2004 using a mailing list named debian-pr. From 2004 to 2013 the group organized many events in Curitiba like:
- Debian Day
- FLISOL - Festival Latino-americano de Instalação de Software Livre
- Software Freedom Day
- Document Freedom Day
- Hacker Union 2;
The group also helped free software events in Curitiba and in others cities, especially on install fests. The complete list of events can be seen here:
For some years the GUD-BR-PR had a small organizational structure formed by a Leader, a Secretary, and a Technical Committee.
Over the years, several members of GUD-BR-PR moved from Curitiba to other cities or countries, or just stopped helping. In 2013 a small group of free software enthusiasts decided to organize the Debian Wheezy Release Party, and in the same day, they decided to formalize the creation of a new free software generic group named Comunidade Curitiba Livre (Community Free Curitiba). Since then, the members of Curitiba Livre have organized the free software events in Curitiba, like:
- Richard Stallman's lecture in Curitiba: 2012 | Photos
- Debian Wheezy Release Party: 2013 | Photos
- Fórum Permanente em Prol do Software Livre no Paraná 2013 | Photos
- VI Fórum de Tecnologia em Software Livre 2014 | Photos
- Education Freedom Day: 2014 | Photos
- The FSF's 30th Birthday Party: 2015 | Photos
- Software Freedom Day:
- Circuito Curitibano de Software Livre:
- Debian Day:
More photos on flickr:
[edit] MiniDebConf Curitiba 2016
The Brazilian community of users and Debian developers realized the MiniDebConf Curitiba 2016 on March 5–6 at Aldeia Coworking in Curitiba.
The MiniDebConf Curitiba 2016 had over two days dedicated to Debian with 20 hours of programming, 85 attendees, 12 lectures, 7 Lightning Talks and 5 Workshops.
The members of Curitiba Livre led the organization.
[edit] Debian Ruby Sprint 2016
From February 29th to March 4th, the Debian Ruby Sprint 2016 took place in Curitiba.
Reports from Antonio Terceiro
[edit] Testimonials from the Ruby sprint in Curitiba
Christian Hofstaedtler (zeha), DD:
Curitiba certainly was super nice; getting there was easy enough (i.e. flight connections are available from Rio just fine); weather was good minus the midday rainfall; University hosting - I'm sure you can say more on that than me. The center of Curitiba as we've seen it was quite awesome, everything in walking distance, no need to feel unsafe anywhere or something. (I know people were concerned about this on this years DebConf.) Also the steak was superb and Antonio is a really nice host :-)
Tomasz Nitecki (tnnn), DM:
Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of attending both the Ruby Sprint and Mini DebConf hosted at Curitiba. While I had my reservations about flying halfway around the world, I'm really glad I did. First of all, I must mention all those nice and helpful people who made both events possible. Thanks to their dedication, both events were successful and memorable. The Curitiba itself is also an interesting city - warm, full of contrasts but also a friendly place. I must admit that I've also greatly enjoyed diverse food venues available locally. I'd really like to visit Curitiba again, this time with more Debian people :)
[edit] Debian Women
Currently Curitiba has some groups working to encourage women in tecnology like: PyLadies - Curitiba, Women Techmakers Curitiba, TechLadies, ArduLadies Curitiba, Emílias - Armação em Bits
Emílias - Armação em Bits is a project from Informatics Department of Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR). The goal of the project is to carry out actions to increase the female representation in the area of Computing, arousing the interest of future female students and maintaining the motivation of the current female students of the courses of Computer Engineering and Information Systems. There is an expectation that the coming of women DDs may spark the interest of these female students by debian. ..
[edit] Visas, customs and entering the country
Brazil operates its borders on a reciprocity policy, so if your country requires a visa from Brazilian citizens, most likely Brazil will require a visa from you.
- South American citizens do not need a visa
- European citizens from countries in the Schengen area do not need a visa
- US/Canada citizens do need a visa
- Other countries most likely require a visa.
Please double check your situation with the official listing of visa requirements for entering Brazil.
The nearest airport is codenamed CWB. It is located in São José dos Pinhais, in the metropolitan area of Curitiba, located about 18km from downtown Curitiba. You can use a bus of public transport for R$ 3.70 (~ USD 1), an executive coach for R$ 13.00 (~ USD 5) or taxi service at an approximate cost of R$ 60.00 (~ USD 20). You will mostly likely fly into Brazil through São Paulo (GRU), Rio (GIG) or Brasília (BSB), all of which have direct flights from major hubs in North America, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Getting to Curitiba will require a short flight from those airports.
Most importantly, travelers are generally permitted to bring industrialized food in its original packaging, including cheese with long maturation, up to 5 kg(~10 pounds), and wine. :-)
[edit] Local team
[edit] Core team
The core team are the people willing to work on the project seriously. Add yourself to the core team if you wish to help, but please be aware that we will want you to attend our meetings and take some responsibilities.
Name/nick | Location (town) | Debian/DebConf experience | Comments | Willing to join DC17 in Montreal? |
Adriana Costa | Curitiba | Business analyst at CINQ Technologies | - | |
Antonio Terceiro | Curitiba | - | yes | |
Cleber Ianes | Curitiba |
- | - |
Daniel Lenharo | Curitiba | Sysadmin at CELEPAR | yes | |
Fabianne Balvedi | Curitiba |
- | - |
Giovani Ferreira (jova2) | Poço Fundo | - | yes | |
Paulo Santana (phls) | Curitiba |
- | yes |
Samuel Henrique (samueloph) | Curitiba | - | yes | |
Valéssio Brito | Montréal |
- | yes |
PS1: International Free Software Forum (FISL) in Brazil is one of the biggest (+5.000 people) and oldest (+17 years) conference for Free and Open Source technologies in the world.
PS1: Campus Party is an annual week long, 24-hours-a-day technology festival where thousands of “campuseros” (developers, entrepreneurs, astronomers, digital designers, robotics or gamers...) equipped with laptops, camp on-site and immerse themselves in a truly unique environment. Campus Party unites the brightest young minds in technology and science under the idea that “Internet is not a network of computers, it’s a network of people". There are some stages in Campus Party and one of them is dedicated to Free Software.
[edit] Willing to help
You wish to help us fo DC18 but don't have enough time or can't be in the core team? Please add yourself here!
Name/nick | Location (town) | Debian/DebConf experience | Comments | Willing to join DC17 in Montreal? | |
Lucas Kanashiro (kanashiro) | São Paulo | DD | I'd want to be part of the core team but without enough time now | yes | |
Antonio C C Marques | Curitiba | - | - | yes |
[edit] Who declared support
[edit] Brazilian DDs
- Adriano Rafael Gomes
- Agney Lopes Roth Ferraz
- Andre Luis Lopes
- Antonio Terceiro
- Carlos Laviola
- Breno Leitão
- Giovani Ferreira (jova2)
- Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
- Goedson Teixeira Paixão
- Gustavo Franco
- Gustavo Noronha
- Herbert Parentes Fortes Neto
- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho
- Lucas Kanashiro
- Marcelo Jorge Vieira
- Otávio Salvador
- Pablo Lorenzzoni (DebConf4 organizer)
- Tássia Camões Araújo (DebConf17 organizer)
- Tiago Bortoletto Vaz (DebConf17 organizer)
- Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo
[edit] DDs from others countries
Please insert your Name and Country below:
[edit] Debian Contributors
- Germana Oliveira - Venezuela
- Fernando Ike
- Larissa Reis
- Marcelo Santana
- Michelle Ribeiro (DebConf4 organizer)
- Karen Sandler
- Luis Uribe - Colombia
- Sebastian Silva - Perú
[edit] Others members of free software community
- Alexandre Oliva (Campinas - SP) - founding member of Free Software Foundation Latin America (FSFLA)
- Eliane Domingos de Sousa (Rio de Janeiro - RJ) - member of the Board of Directors and Vice Chairman of The Document Foundation (2014-2016)
- Jon Maddog Hall - Executive Director of Linux International
- Márcio Júnior Vieira - leader of organization Pentaho Day 2015 in Curitiba
- Ole Peter Smith (Goiânia - GO) - leader of organization Fórum Goiano de Software Livre (FGSL) in Goiânia
- Ramiro Batista Luz (Curitiba - PR) - leader of organization PythonBrasil[6] in Curitiba
[edit] Contact Details
- Mailing list:
- IRC Channel: #debian-br-eventos in
[edit] Venue
[edit] UTFPR (our priority)
Criteria | Federal University of Technology of Paraná (in portuguese: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - UTFPR) |
Letter | Commitment letter from UTFPR |
Location | Venue is situated in downtown Curitiba |
Transport | Airport to venue is 50 to 60 minutes by public transport (bus) or 20 minutes by taxi |
Accomodation | Nearby hotels and hostel |
Food |
Capacity | |
Advantages | |
Downsides |
Potential Dates | July 7 to 28 |
Photos | |
Costs | USD 1.000~2.000 The spaces will be for free, but we will need to pay the staff to work saturday and sunday. |
Details | /Venues/UTFPR |
[edit] UFPR
Criteria | Federal University of Paraná (in portuguese: Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR) |
Comment |
Location |
Transport | Airport to venue is 20 to 30 minutes by public transport (bus) or 10 minutes by taxi |
Accomodation | Hotels and hostel in downtown |
Food |
Capacity |
Advantages |
Downsides |
Potential Dates | July 9 to 28 |
Costs | USD 0,00 (zero) |
Details | - |
[edit] PUCPR
Criteria | Catholic University of Paraná (in portuguese: Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná - PUCPR) |
Location |
Transport | Airport to venue is 20 to 30 minutes by public transport (bus) or 10 minutes by taxi |
Accomodation | Hotels and hostel in downtown |
Food | There are many restaurants, cafeterias, snack bars around inside the Campus and nearby |
Capacity |
Advantages |
Downsides |
Potential Dates | July 9 to 28 |
Costs | USD 0,00 (zero) |
Details | - |
[edit] BUDGET estimation (debconfers / debcampers)
We are expecting approximately 100 people for DebCamp and 300 people for DebConf coming from other cities.
- Real (R$) (BRL)
- R$ 1,00 = USD 3.40 (Dollar quotation today 2016/12/15)
[edit] Venue (UTFPR)
- USD 1,000.00 ~ 2,000.00 (R$ 3.400,00 ~ R$ 6.800,00)
- The spaces will be for free, but we will need to pay the staff to work saturday and sunday.
[edit] Accomodation
- USD 25.00 (~ R$ 85,00)
- Per person
- Per day
- Room with 2 beds and with air conditioner
- Including breakfast
- We can still negotiate this value and the dollar quotation may fall
- We can have rooms with 3 beds e the valor per person may fall
- USD 25.00 x 100 people = USD 2,500.00
- USD 2,500.00 x 6 days (monday to saturday) = USD 15,000.00
- USD 25.00 x 300 people = USD 7,500.00
- USD 7,500.00 x 7 days (sunday to saturday) = USD 52,500.00
Total ~ USD 67,500.00
[edit] Food
- USD 5.00 per person (~ R$ 17,00)
- USD 5.00 x 100 people = USD 500.00
- USD 500.00 x 2 (1 lunch and 1 dinner per day) = USD 1,000.00
- USD 1,000.00 x 6 days (monday to saturday) = USD 6,000.00
- USD 5.00 x 300 people = USD 1,500.00
- USD 1,500.00 x 2 (1 lunch and 1 dinner per day) = USD 3,000.00
- USD 3,000.00 x 7 days (sunday to saturday) = USD 21,000.00
Total ~ USD 27,000.00
[edit] Venue + Accomodation + Food
Considering 100 people to DebCamp and 300 people to DebConf:
USD 2,000.00 + USD 67,500.00 + USD 27,000.00 = USD 96,500.00
[edit] Power
Brazil, which had been using mostly Europlugs, and NEMA 1–15 and NEMA 5–15 standards, adopted a (non-compliant) variant of IEC 60906-1 as the national standard in 1998 under specification NBR 14136 (revised in 2002).[40] These are used for both 220 volt and 127 volt regions of the country, despite the IEC 60906-2 recommendation that NEMA 5-15 be used for 120 V connections. There are two types of sockets and plugs in NBR 14136: one for 10 A, with a 4.0 mm pin diameter, and another for 20 A, with a 4.8 mm pin diameter.[41] This differs from IEC 60906-1 which specifies a pin diameter of 4.5 mm and a rating of 16 A. NBR 14136 was not enforced in that country until 2007, when its adoption was made optional for manufacturers. It became compulsory on January 1, 2010.
Few private houses in Brazil have an earthed supply, so even if a three-pin socket is present it is not safe to assume that all three terminals are actually connected. Most large domestic appliances were sold with the option to fit a flying earth tail to be locally earthed, but many consumers were unsure how to use this and so didn't connect it. The new standard has an earth pin which in theory eliminates the need for the flying earth tail.[42]
Adapters are easy to find and the organization will provide them for sale.
Curitiba is 127 volts.
[edit] Potential dates
July 7 to July 28, 2018
Having DebConf during student vacations (3 to 4 weeks on july) is better because all classrooms will be empty, and there willl be fewer people on campus.
If it doesn't coincide with student vacations, we can still use the classrooms but there will be logistics to reorganize some classes to clear the rooms. That shouldn't be much of a problem. though.
[edit] Prospective local sponsors & support
[edit] Business
- Other cities
- 4Linux (São Paulo)
- Editora Novatec (SãoPaulo)
- (São Paulo)
- ThoughtWorks (São Paulo)
- Grupo Utah (São Paulo)
- Async Open Source (São Paulo)
- (Rio de Janeiro)
- Propus (Porto Alegre)
- O.S. Systems (Pelotas)
- Colive (Salvador)
- Terra (São Paulo)
- Tempo Real Eventos (São Paulo)
- Locaweb (São Paulo)
- iMasters (São Paulo)
- Kinghost (Porto Alegre)
- Rocket.Chat (Porto Alegre)
- OpenS (Douglas Conrad)
- Local
- Ambiente Livre Tecnologia
- Livrarias Curitiba
- Cinq
- Elaborata Informática
- Universidade Positivo
- MPS Informática
- Logicus
- Tuxnet IT Solutions
- Wise Systems
- iSolve
- Hop'n Roll Beer Club (and BrodeBrown)
- Positivo
- Intelbras
[edit] Institutional / government
- Prefeitura de Curitiba
- Serpro
- Celepar
- DataPrev
- Fenadados
[edit] Communities in Curitiba
- Curitiba Livre
- Garagem Hacker
- GURU-PR - Grupo de Usuários de Ruby do Paraná
- GruPy-PR - Grupo de Usuário de Python do Paraná
- PHP Paraná
- WordPress Curitiba
- Women Techmakers Curitiba
- Emílias - Armação em Bits
- PyLadies - Curitiba
- TechLadies
- ArduLadies Curitiba
[edit] Fun and Free time

- Tourist information
- Bus Tourism Line (in English)
- Curitiba Turismo (in Portuguese)
- Wikivoyage about Curitiba (in English)
[edit] Places to visit
CNN has selected 3 sights from here among the 20 most beautiful in Brazil!
- Municipal Market
- Opera de Arame
- Panoramic Tower (Torre Panorâmica)
- Parks / Gardens
- Bosque do Alemão
- Bosque de Portugual
- Bosque do Papa
- Botanical Garden (Jardim Botânico)
- Barigui Park (Parque Barigui)
- Parque dos Tropeiros
- Parque Bacacheri
- Memorial Ucraniano
- Parque São Lourenço
- Parque Tanguá
- Praça do Japão
- Museums (Museus)
- Alfredo Andersen
- Arte Sacra
- Automóvel
- Botânico Municipal
- Casa Andrade Muricy
- Do Holocausto De Curitiba
- Egípcio - Ordem Rosa Cruz
- Museu de Arte Contemporânea
- Oscar Niemeyer - MON
- Museu Ferroviário
- Ucraniano
- Historical sector
- Palace of Liberty (Paço da Liberdade)
- Order of Lago (Lago da Ordem)
[edit] Wine & Cheese party
[edit] Municipal Market
The Municipal Market from Curitiba is a traditional place to buy fruits, vegetables, desserts, coffees, beers, meat, etc It was created in 1958 and you can find cheeses, wines, seasoning and sauces, in particular pepper sauce. In Brazil craft candies are very traditional, you can find guava preserve, pumpkin preserve, milk caramel 'dulce de leche', fig preserve, peach preserve, etc The craft candies area usually made of sugar, milk or water and the fresh fruit. The Mercado Municipal de Curitiba is close to the UTFPR.
Some examples what you can find there:
[edit] Tourism in Brazil
[edit] Transit
[edit] Public transportation
Curitiba has a reasonably good public transportation system. There is no subway, but there are central corridors at wider avenues that are exclusive to biarticulated buses, so it more or less works like a subway. The transit data is available on Google Maps, so you can use that to plan your trips inside the city.
[edit] Car rental
You can rent a cars starting at ~ R$100 (~USD 33) per day. See e.g.
[edit] Bicycle rental
You can rent a bike starting at ~ R$ 10 (hour) per hour and R$ 50 per day. See e.g. and
[edit] Taxi
Curitiba has plenty of taxis and it's usually easy to get one. If you are not close to a taxi stop the best way to get a taxi is by using 99 taxis smartphone app (obviously non-free, available for Android and iOS), which works like Uber but for proper taxis.
Note that taxis from the airport are an exclusivity of São José dos Pinhais taxis which are lined up at the arrival area. You won't be able to get one via 99 taxis when coming from there. Going to the airport from Curitiba is fine.
[edit] Uber
Uber works in Curitiba.
[edit] Network connectivity
UTFPR has a excellent link, through RNP which serves most public universities. Wifi coverage is something we will have to work on.
If we go for another venue (not Universities), we might need to hire a better link, or get one sponsored.
[edit] Food
Curitiba is a multicultural city, and there are several different options of food, be it in restaurants, food trucks, food courts, etc.
The principal food in Brazil is rice, beans, meet (cow, chicken, pork, fish), and other accompaniments like potato (fried or cooked), all kind of vegetables like lettuce, tomato, onion, carrot, beet, etc.
It's very common a kind of restaurante called "buffet" where you pay a fixed price or you pay per weight. Here some examples, and others examples.
But it's very common you find restaurants with chinese food, japanese food, italian food, arabian food.
Brazilians love pizzas, so we can find many pizzerias here :-) And brazilians love sandwichs, so you can find local manufacturers and internacional fast food like Burger King and Mcdonald's
And sure, churrascaria (brazilian steakhouse). Where you pay a fixed price and can eat all kind of meet.
[edit] Vegan
Despite the fact that most brazilians are insane about meat, Curitiba has a growing Vegan community, and it should not be a problem for Vegan people to be well fed in the city. There are many vegan restaurants around.
Even in restaurants where they serve meat, one will usually be able to get a decent Vegan meal at all-you-can-eat buffets that are very popular in Brazil, mainly inside shopping malls.
[edit] Cheeses
It is very easy to find all types of cheese in Curitiba, so the C&W party is 100% guaranteed.
[edit] Beer

Yes my friends, we have many microbrewerys in Curitiba! Some of them:
- Asgard
- Bastards Brewery
- Benckebier
- BierHoff
- Bodebrown See beer train below
- Bonato
- Brauns Bier
- Columbus
- De Bora Bier
- DUM Cervejaria
- F#%*ing Beer
- GaudenBier
- Gobe Brew
- Jokers
- Klein
- Madalosso
- Maniacs Brewing
- Morada Cia Etílica
- Ogre Beer
- Oner
- Pagan
- Palta
- Raridade Cervejas
- Swamp Brewing
- Tormenta
- Way Beer
- Wensky
[edit] Pubs
- Barbarium
- Cervejaria da Vila
- Clube do Malte
- God Save the Beer
- Hop'n Roll our favorite and approved by Jon Maddog
[edit] Status and priory list
Please take a look at our status page to know what changed recently and see how we comply with the priority list.
[edit] Original ideas (sort of)
- On Sunday visit Largo da Ordem Crafts/Street fair
- Serra Verde Express - Bodbrown even can arrange a beer train. Vídeo
- Beer making class (Brodbrown or Hop'n Roll Beer Club)
- Brazilian jiu-jitsu introduction classes.
- Soccer tournament (indoor)
- Soup experience - You can taste Brazilian soups, will be a good way to know about our cuisine.
- Yoga on the park - free Yoga class every saturday and sunday. vídeo
- Bike tours like the Coffe Bike Tour from Kuritbike
- Curitiba Sightseeing private tours -- The tour lasts 4 hours and you can do it on your own rhythm.
[edit] Debian Community in Brazil
[edit] Debian Day in Brazil
Over the years Brazil has been the country with more cities promoting Debian Day:
[edit] Activities inside Free Software events in Brazil in 2015 and 2016
- MiniDebConf at Latinoware 2016 in Foz do Iguaçu
- FISL 2016 in Porto Alegre
- Campus Party Brasil 2016 in São Paulo
- MiniDebConf at Latinoware 2015 in Foz do Iguaçu
- MiniDebConf at FISL 2015 in Porto Alegre
- MicroDebConf 2015 in Brasília