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[edit] Agenda

  1. Weekly stats to CMC
  2. Transport report back -
  3. Accessibility report back -
  4. Dining options -
  5. Debconf Dinner
  6. Preferred hotel for hotel-preferring people? -
  7. Final accom numbers?
  8. New meeting time

Next meeting:

  1. Volunteer to track people needing double rooms (we have 5 in Fuller)
  2. Absorbing volunteers: tasks ... ?

Random points for sometime / off-line follow up

  1. Conference name tag: emergency number on the badge in case people get lost
  2. Questions for fuller:
    1. elevator?
    2. double beds in double rooms?
    3. bathrooms?
    4. floorplan
    5. Excel sheet of all rooms as basis for accom assignment

[edit] Minutes

[edit] Action

  1. indiebio to contact about Parking
  2. indiebio to confirm format of bathrooms in Fuller
  3. indiebio (and help!) to investigate airport transport options
  4. indiebio to make a comparison wiki for catering. all to contribute -
  5. tamo to book the aquarium
  6. weekly time: no change yet. FILL OUT THE POLL, PEOPLE

[edit] Accessibility feedback

  1. Accessible accommodation:
    1. Fuller: Marginally accessible means the bathroom is not accessible - you have to lift yourself out of the tub.
    2. Graca Michel (lower campus) has an accessible bathroom, but it is not en-suite so it may be undignified for some.
    3. Observatory Residence has self-catering fully accessible, but it's not on campus (about 5km?? away).
  2. Accessible transport is run on a schedule, the use of it will be free. indiebio to follow up to get schedule from Reinette.
  3. Sight impaired, or anyone needing accessibility or want to chat about these things welcome to contact the accessibility centre, for assistance, advice, seeing guides, etc. [[1]] - indiebio to put on wiki FAQ
  4. Nattie: The website does not have details because the issues are so specific to the needs of individuals. They prefer fielding the queries directly.
  5. We agreed sign language interpreters are not needed, they have SASL and British sign language staff available, if we'd ever need them.

[edit] Transport feedback

  1. Transport generally:
    1. Jammie shuttle routes [[2]]
    2. Note that the shuttles will be running on long-vac schedules, which is not on the website yet.
    3. Free for conference participants, goes around Rondebosch, and as far south as Claremont, and to Hiddingh in town.
    4. The conference attendees are allowed on the Jammie shuttles with a conference badge, (so a temporary student card is not required for this), and he suggested we have an emergency number on the badge in case they get lost - good idea!
    5. Doing another schedule (e.g. term time frequency) will not be possible, but I also don't think it's necessary.
  2. Special event transport:
    1. Dedicated buses to external venues, for e.g. the conference dinner, gets decided based on the venue. He didn't want to give us exact rates, which makes me think we can bargain, but as example he said a 60 seater bus to the V & A Waterfront would cost R2530 (which translates to R42 pp return trip if the bus is full).
  3. Also found some cycle routes [[3]] - which is also a great map for pedestrians.
  4. Parking: indiebio to contact Keith Witbooi, CC ginggs
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