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[edit] Agenda

Time Item Presenter Priority Background info Goal for meeting
19:02 Content / schedule maxy, azeem high Attendees asking for schedule and confirmations, PR waiting for schedule Status update
19:10 Day trip thkoch, hvhaugwitz high The planning goes forward What needs to happen now? Also, transport is becoming an issue.
19:15 Insurance madduck, RichiH high Do we want/need organiser liability, legal liability, D&O insurance? Identify any following actions
19:20 Room allocation marga high Status update
19:25 Child care RichiH medium Teckids canceled, babysiters declined Status update
19:35 T-shirts / Conf bags DLange (with nattie) medium Status update
19:40 Job Fair & Sponsor Exhibition marga, DLange medium Status update
19:45 Press / Publicity larjona, azeem medium What are the next steps? Eliminate any blockers
19:50 Visa letters status azeem medium These have been mostly done. Status updates
19:55 Open topics madduck low Figure out items for the next meeting
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