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[edit] TODO list

[edit] Agenda

Time Item Presenter Priority Background Goal
20:02 Non-sponsored attendees during DebCamp marga medium Do we care about the DebCamp plan for non-sponsored attendees? Clarify if non-sponsored attendees don't need a specific plan
20:05 Summit status update cate high Ready? Figure out if there's anything missing, who sends the email and to what lists
20:15 CFP status update rmayorga high Ready? Figure out if there's anything missing, who sends the email and to what lists
20:25 DC15 Budget madduck high Decide next steps
20:27 Press releases larjona medium We need to coordinate press releases regarding registration and CFP Coordinate who does what and what we send where.

Update planet.d.o hackergotchi

20:32 Time slots and job fair scheduling santiago medium Coordinate the schedule. Agree on the job fair schedule, coordinate with sponsors.
20:42 DebConf teams review Tassia medium Time to review DC teams membership, procedures, documentation Internal communication of resposibilities
20:50 Open topics marga medium What are the open issues? What are things we need to work on more/better? Update
20:58 Next meeting marga medium To avoid burning people out, given that most non-local things are on track, we can do this monthly instead of every two weeks. Agree on the next meeting
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