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[edit] Conference

[edit] How can I schedule ad-hoc events?

There is a wiki page here: DebConf14/AdHocSessions

[edit] Registration

[edit] Are food and accommodation included in the professional and corporate registration fees?

No. While in the past the registration fees have included food and accommodation, this has often led to confusion and frustration on the part of our paid attendees. Also, in years when the conference is in a city, our corporate and professional attendees sometimes prefer to book their own hotel rooms rather than stay in the conference accommodations. To simplify the registration process, since DebConf13 the registration fees are kept separate from self-paid food and accommodation.

[edit] If I'm self-paid, can I stay in the same place as the sponsored attendees?

Yes. Payment for room and board will be done directly through PSU's portal. Once you have registered for DebConf, you will be given the opportunity to continue on to the PSU site (or, follow this link) to register for food and accommodation.

[edit] What if I prefer to stay in a hotel?

The conference has arranged a discount rate at the university-owned University Place. Please use group code B1255 when booking.

[edit] I've requested sponsored food and accommodation. Do I need to register with PSU too?

No. Once your sponsorship is confirmed, the DebConf team will register you with PSU automatically.

[edit] How much does food and accommodation cost?

The conference website includes:

[edit] I want to be able to eat with the group, but I also plan to enjoy Portland's suffusion of food carts and other fine dining. Can I pay à la carte?

For reasons of dining logistics, the PSU cafeteria needs a reasonably accurate headcount in advance. There will be an option to pay at the door; the price will be higher and the number of people paying cash will be limited. If you intend to eat dinner out a lot during the week, you might consider the "Breakfast-Lunch" meal plan.

[edit] I have someone accompanying me, do they need to register as well?

For those accompanying (significant others, spouses, offspring, etc.), if they intend to participate in the conference proceedings (attend sessions, the day trip, or anything that is part of the conference proper), please have them set up an account at Alioth to be able to register for the conference. If they do not intend to participate in the conference proceedings, you will only need to register them for food and accommodations (if they wish to eat with the attendees in the cafeteria or stay in the dorms) at Portland State University's registration portal.

Please note that everyone is welcome to attend, and we encourage accompanying friends or family that might have any interest in joining our community to register for the conference, too!

[edit] Misc

[edit] Where can I check what cheese & wine is being brought so as to prevent duplicates?

There is a wiki page: DebConf14/CheeseWineBoF

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