DebConf13/Teams/Front Desk
Front Desk team handles the communications and information to and from attendees.
Really there is not Front Desk team, but a lot of smaller task-specific teams.
Contents |
[edit] Helpers
Not really a team, but anyone could help:
- answering questions on mailing list (debconf-discuss and debconf-team)
- improving the wiki pages of DebConf13
- joining some teams
- looking mailing list debconf-team, IRC #debconf-team (and debconf meeting) and helping on specific needs. There is a lot of short term easy tasks.
[edit] Registration team (pre-conference)
Handle the online communication between attendee and debconf
Tasks and duties:
- Subscribing to
- Answering questions and helping attendees (mainly on registration@, but also on mailing list and IRC)
- Liaison to the relevant teams (forwarding problems and information)
- Check and ask attendee about inconsistencies and errors
- Handling cheese
- Sending invitation letters (pdf or surface mail)
Requirement (as team, please specify)
- Local languages (German, French) and English
- Giving local information about Switzerland (health, rules, travel, insurances) and travel (local info)
- Liaison to other main teams (Talk, Accommodations, Finance, Front Desk) (e.g. about delay, cancellation, etc.)
- Possibly people interesting on organizing future DebConfs
- Contact, coordination: IRC #debconf-team, email #debconf-team
- Ticket system ?
- Frab/penta/booking system
- n0rman
- rafw
- Alfu
- cate
- hug
- Y Plentyn
- Patty Langasek (harmoney)
- need more
[edit] Front desk (on site)
Central information point for attendees
Tasks and duties:
- On IRC #debconf during duties times
- Registering attendee (new arrivals)
- Handling conference bag, t-shirt
- Lost + Found
- Answering questions and helping attendees (on site and on IRC)
- Liaison to the relevant teams (forwarding problems and information)
- First point of contact for visitors, press, authorities, etc.
- on site presence, in time shifts
- reinforced with local language speaking people on rush hours (arrival day, debian day, etc.)
- Front desk guide
- Time shift schedule (wiki)
- DebConf13/FAQ
- Frab/penta/booking system
- A volunteer T-shirt
- Patty Langasek (harmoney)
- need more
[edit] Visa team
Handling visa informations
Tasks and duties:
- Subscribing to
- Reading and answering questions about Schengen visa form
- Sending invitations (with registration team)
- Possibly being also on registration team
- Handling more confidential information
- none
- n0rman
- rafw
- need more
[edit] Registration tool team
Handling the online registration system
Tasks and duties:
- Implementing tools and solving problems, without becoming crazy
- Running and checking the system
- Preparing reports for other teams
- Sending automatic mails
- Time
- Yourself
- Ganneff (technical assistance)
- need more
[edit] Bursaries (accommodation and travel)
Handling sponsorship.
Tasks and duties:
- Implement a fair rate system
- Rate sponsorees
- Sending results (and answering mails)
- Ideally members from across continents and Debian background
- registration tool
- Appointed by debconf-team
- David Bremner
- Steve Langasek
- Margarita Manterola
- Christian Perrier
- Lior Kaplan
- Andreas Tille
- Gunnar Wolf
- Gaudenz Steinlin
- Didier Raboud
- Philipp Hug
- ...
[edit] Homepage and wiki team
Handling sponsorship.
Tasks and duties:
- Improve web pages and wiki
- Coordinate big edits on IRC #debconf-team
- none
- wiki
- svn debconf-data
- wiki:
- Registered user in wiki
- web
- Alioth people in debconf-data (ask on #debconf-team about your plan)
- Design and templates:
[edit] Ad-hoc tasks
Various tasks, coordinated in DebConf meetings
- T-shirt design
- T-shirt and bags
- General communication to attendee (email, blog posts, etc.)
[edit] Schedule of the work
By categories: urgent, normal, low priority.
[edit] before mid 2012
- logo
- sponsor pack (document): in English, German, French (with sponsor team)
- documentation to DebConf12
- mySwitzerland will probably give us some generic promotional materials.
[edit] before end 2012
- website
- take over visa@ forwarder.
- replacement of penta (probably done by tech team)
[edit] first trimester 2013
- t-shirt
- designs, 3 colours: normal, orga team, video team, 2 formats: man, woman, various sizes
- manufacturer (also abroad, check with gwolf and global team)
[edit] second trimester 2013
- Travel information, prices: -> website + FAQ
- set up travel coordination page
- call for volunteers for front desk (physical location)
[edit] just before DebConf/DebCamp
- Emergency contacts (police, etc)
- DebConf emergency contact (hotline + email, for travel problems, late arrivals, etc.)
[edit] during DebCamp
- setup Front Desk (desk, materials, printer, ...)
- setup extra registration desks for registration day
[edit] during DebConf
- running Front Desk/Registration, finding volunteers, update information
- accessibility
[edit] after DebConf
- clean-up, lost+found
- send back DebConf, Video, Debian materials (with merchandising team)
- thanks to sponsors (sponsor team)
- final report (with team management team)
[edit] Connections with other teams
- Sponsor team:
- Handling promotional material (for bags)
- Hospitality team
- Food and people per day
- Front desk logistic
- Storage room (material)
- Storage room (cheese)
- Accessibility information (<-) and requests (->)
- Tech team
- Early network for front desk (registration)