This page is an addition to DebConf7/VenueComparison regarding estimated costs for the venues itself.
The basic estimations are:
* 50 people fully sponsored (accomodation and food) during a DebCamp of seven days * 350 people fully sponsored (accomodation and food) during a DebConf of seven days * 1 Hacklab during DebCamp * 1 additional Hacklab during DebConf * 1 smaller lecture room * 1 big lecture room
Since the two cities, Sarajevo and Edingburgh have offers from local ISPs to sponsor DebConf, I didn't add any prices for internet access.
Please note, that the numbers are still work in progess!
Please also note, that these numbers don't compare everything; e.g. different prices for flights are not included here.
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[edit] Sarajevo
[edit] Lower limit (all three bed rooms)
22 * ( (50*7) + (350*7) ) = 61'600 Euro
[edit] Upper Limit (all two bed rooms)
25 * ( (50*7) + (350*7) ) = 70'000 Euro
* accomodation * conference facilities (and equipment there) * food (two meals)
Note: The Hotel has neither enough two bed rooms, nor enough three bed rooms for all of us, so the real price is expected to be somewhere in between, probably right in the middle at about 66'000 Euro.
[edit] Edinburgh
That's a bit more complicate, so we better look at a lower and upper limit estimation:
[edit] Food
These numbers are still somehow weak; but food is expected to in between 3-4 GBP [4.5-6 Euro].
[edit] Lower limit
2 * 4.5 * ( ( 50*7) + (350*7) ) = 25'200
[edit] Upper limit
2 * 6 * ( ( 50*7) + (350*7) ) = 33'600
[edit] Conference facilities
(1 hacklab room for 14 days, 1 hacklab room for 7 days, 1 big lecture room, 1 smaller lecture room)
[edit] Lower limit (teviot / student union building)
(65*14) + (65*7) + (73*7) + (290*7) = 3'906
[edit] Upper limit (Edinburgh College of Art)
(218*14) + (218*7) + (509*7) + (725*7) = 13'216
[edit] Accomodation
(Will be the same for both venues, so no upper and lower limit; costs not clear by now, wiki mentiones a lower of £11.50 [17.2 EUR], but I guess we'll get quantity discount; so I don't do a splitted calculation considering number of beds in the different hostels)
(17.2*(50*7) + 17.2*(350*7)) = 48'160
[edit] Total
So EDI ends up in total with (Accomodation+conference rooms+food):
[edit] Lower limit
48'160 + 3'906 + 25'200 = 77'266 Euro
[edit] Upper limit
48'160 + 13'216 + 33'600 = 94'976 Euro
[edit] Disclaimer
(No costs for internet added on purpouse; both venues have ISPs ready to sponsor us.)
Warning! These numbers are *just* estiamtions!
They don't include /reflect things like:
* differences in flight prices (will mostly affect SJJ) * possible quantity discounts (will mostly affect EDI) * extra fees for 24*7 opening hours (will increase costs for EDI, but not SJJ) * "cost reduction" by not doing talks during weekends (Doesn't matter for SJJ, but would be an option for EDI)
and similar.
Real fees might be far of (but hopefully not much more); so this is a just a quick, rough estimation.
[edit] Just as reference: Mexico
In Mexico we spend roughly:
* 17'000 Euro for accomodation * 31'000 Euro for food * 12'000 Euro for conference facilites