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[edit] Day trip

  • We will do bus master briefings and money giving at 15 minutes before departure OR right after this meeting.
  • We failed to announce the hike departure, we kinda dropped the ball on facilitating the hike
    • We will suggest that they do the brewery hike

[edit] Feedback

  • Overwhelmingly positive from everywhere
  • Michael started a wiki feedback
  • We'll raffle a Chromebook among submitters

[edit] Announcements (for Thursday)

  • Conf dinner?
    • Conf dinner hike: 16:30 is departure time, 5.5km but rather steep.

[edit] Toner

  • situation solved. It was cheaper to buy the printer than the toner.

[edit] The Group from Afghanistan

They were coming from Univ. of Berlin. They are gone now. We should have integrated them better.

[edit] Police Incident

The police came to take care of an attendee that had personal issues. Nothing related to the conference, nothing that we can or should do.

[edit] Conf dinner tickets

We still have a bunch left. We will sell any remaining tickets on Thursdays at 15:00. If there's someone special (sponsor, invited speaker, etc) that needs one, they should get one before.

In the announce mail, we should tell people if that they are not going to go they should give the to FD

[edit] T-Shirts

Price EUR 15

[edit] Meeting tomorrow

Short meeting at 19:00

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