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[edit] Agenda

Topics covered:

Item Presenter Priority Background Goal
Status updates marga high
  • Verein, non profit status [madduck, RichiH]
  • Brochure translations [Conny, Manuel, Rhalina], and review [Ganneff, RichieH, azeem, and1bm]
  • Budget [madduck, hug]
  • DayTrip / Conference Dinner [Rhalina, Manuel, Tokkee]
  • DC14 Final Report [azeem] submission deadline 2014.10.15
  • Airline Partnerships [Caroll]
  • FrOSCon and CCC schedule overlap [rhalina, Conny, surSr]
  • Website team [rene, valessiobrito]
  • Public relations [larjona]
Follow up on previous meeting action items
Drink prices in HD madduck high The prices at the bistro are fairly high, see the menu. Surely, we can negotiate a discount. Establish our understanding of what we find acceptable
Honouring pro-bono advisors madduck high PwC and two lawyers have thus far helped us set up all the legal stuff for DC15 for free. I think it would only be appropriate to mention them on our webpage for this, e.g. their logos next to (but slightly shifted to the right from) the SPI logo at the bottom. I even think a thank-you blog post would be in order at some point in time. An affirmative decision or an alternative suggestion
Hotel reservation in HD madduck low The Marriott wants 50% guaranteed bookings of all the nights we reserve. Do we even want to go down this path? Decide whether to pre-arrange hotel rooms and if so, appoint someone responsible

Topics left behind:

Item Presenter Priority Background Goal
Handling of feedback.dc.o madduck medium We've received a dozen emails so far. The address was not advertised to be read publicly. However, we should consolidate/collect the feedback some way sensible Decide next steps and who will do them
Mailing list migration madduck low debconf-sponsors-team needs acute changes and it seems like a good candidate for a test migration to lists.d.o Coordinate a specific date for changeover
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