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[edit] Basics

Saturday 3 May 2014, starting at 13:30 local time
Until late at night, if you have registered, you get to stay for a night.
Jugendherberge Heidelberg International
If you have not registered, you need to let us know if you want to attend beforehand. Please do not just show up, and do not just add your name.
In-person meeting, orientation, legal stuff, team-building

Important: bring a towel or pay 2 € to rent a towel.

Call 0177/8508032 if you have problems.

[edit] Getting there

  • Pre-meeting at HD main station at 12:50, head towards the exit for the busses and wait just before it, right by the Asian fast food place.
  • Bus #32 leaves at 13:07 from outside the station, direction "Neuenheim, Kopfklinik". Tickets sold on the bus, you do not need to buy a tick if your train ticket includes local transport ("+City").
  • Take bus until "Neuenheim, Jugendherberge"
  • We meet inside the entrance hall of the Jugendherberge for lunch at 13:30

[edit] Expenses

The DPL has agreed to cover expenses for the meeting, including travel and room & board. The price for single-/double-room upgrades (11 €) has to be borne individually.

Please collect your receipts and hand them over the me (madduck) as I will be proxying the reimbursements.

[edit] Agenda

Time Activity
Sat 12:50 Meeting at main station
Sat 13:30 Lunch at youth hostel, pre-ordering dinner
Sat 14:00 Meeting with local staff, exploration of venue
Sat 15:00 Team meeting in conference room
Sat 19:00 Head into town for dinner at Kulturbrauerei
afterwards Sleeping at the youth hostel, or individual departure
Sun Individual departure

[edit] Attendance

The following people will be there. If you feel like your name should be on this list, talk to me, don't just add yourself.

Room assignments are work-in-progress, please talk to me if you require a change.

Name Room Notes Meet at venue
madduck double-1
marga double-3
maxy double-3
rene triple-1
hannes triple-1 X
RichiH (+1.5) double-2 Baby bed needed X
mbanck triple-2
Penny double-1
and1bm triple-2
cts single-1 vegetarian who eats good fish
jmux triple-1
hug triple-2
Sandro Knaus vegetarian
Marc Haber
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