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- Poster Session
17:26 < azeem> we'd organize a sponsor how can print out A0 posters (likely a university or so), then people get them printed and they hang around for a few days so people can check them out 17:26 < azeem> then, one evening, there'll be a 1-2 hour poster session were the relevant owner hang around their poster and interested people can discuss/ask questions 17:27 < azeem> the poster session could very well be a community job fair 17:28 < azeem> well, dunno, we could offer some sponsor level of having posters there as well, not sure about the ethical implications 17:28 < azeem> (if they have people on the ground) 17:28 < marga> I don't see anything unethical as long as it's clear what's going on and people aren't harassed to participate if they aren't interested. 17:29 < azeem> people complaining the show is being rerailed by company people 17:29 < azeem> derailed* 17:29 < azeem> I was just pointing it out it should be kept in mind, but probably it would be no problme 17:29 < marga> Ah, sure, it should be clearly separate. Maybe even on time (i.e. 2 different afternoons) 17:31 < azeem> well, we could see how many sponsor are interested in that 17:31 < azeem> it might actually be a good fundraising point for local-ish companies 17:31 < azeem> OTOH, could be only 10% of the posters would be commercial, then it wouldn't hurt to have a combined thing, dunno [...] 20:34 < madduck> azeem, marga: if you want to pursue those ideas, you should; just keep in mind that HD isn't *huge*, we might be using the foyer for hacking and socialising primarily, but maybe this would do well in combination with a day at a university? 20:34 < madduck> azeem: that said, what sort of posters are you speaking of? academic-style posters? 20:41 < azeem> madduck: what do you mean with acadmic-style? 20:41 < azeem> I thought about something similar to what is presented at academic conferences, at least WRT form factor 20:42 < madduck> and presenting sub-projects, ideas, anything? 20:43 < azeem> presenting sub-projects was my first thought 20:43 < azeem> but dunno, why not present dgit or something similar as well 20:43 < madduck> dgit is a sub-project in my eyes. "what people are working on" 20:44 < madduck> I find that a good idea, especially if we want to have less talks, for it removes the need to have such talks, really. 20:44 < madduck> however, then I would suggest to keep the posters around for the whole week 20:44 < azeem> sure 20:45 < azeem> that was kinda the idea, and towards the end of the week, have a session where people who can answer questions are known to be around 20:45 < azeem> that's why doing it at the uni wouldn't be so great IMO 20:46 < azeem> so far, I've only found as an example 20:47 * hvhaugwitz likes the poster idea 20:47 < madduck> yeah, not sure I've seen many of those, but people get the idea 20:47 < madduck> especially if we find a printer in HD and offer to cover print costs 20:47 < madduck> limited number of slots, obviously. 20:47 < madduck> should I ask the youth hostel if they could imagine letting us plaster the walls, or should we save this for later?