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Note: This page was copied from DebConf10/SponsorshipReview

This plan doesn't say what we will do, just an idea if we decide to review sponsorship.

Note: There are many inconsistencies on the data. Please mark them down, so that registration team could correct (contact) the person.

TODO: check how to communicate with registration team

We should decide:

  1. who will have food and/or accommodation sponsoring for DebConf
  2. who will have food and/or accommodation sponsoring for DebCamp
  3. who will have travel sponsoring (it is unlike that we will have money)

We are many people from different Debian backgound (not really, we are still too much DebConf organizer biased) so that we could know/evaluate quickly most of the people.

How to evaluate people: to be discussed

[edit] Review plans

Proposed plan for reviewing DebConf for food and accommodation sponsorship:

  • Remember: Review only people with "attending = yes" and with food or/and accomomdation sponsorship
  • Check the "Debian Role" and "DebConf Role":
    1. accompanying persons should not have sponsorship. We will discuss later, as a team (with orga team) about special cases, e.g. accompanying a contributor with disabilities.
    2. press, orga, volunteers: let rate them as Debian contributors. Orga team will in a second stage evaluate them for they special tasks.
    3. sponsor: ask sponsor/registration team aboud this database inconsistency.
  • The following criteria applies to everyone
    1. If you know the person from Debian (aka Debian contributor at large), then they get sponsorship.
    2. If they had a talk selected, then they get sponsorship.
    3. Search,, for their name/email. If they come up (with sensible things), then they get sponsorship
    4. search 'their_name debian' in some internet search engine. If anything project related comes up, then they get sponsorship
    5. on doubts, try to contact other Debian contributors, localteam, etc. who should know him.
  • relaxed rules for local people asking only food accommodation

Proposed plan for reviewing DebCamp for food and accommodation sponsorship:

  • Remember: Review only people with "attending = yes"
  • people without a working plan will not have sponsorship.
  • who cannot have DebConf sponsorhip (by the rules above) are not sponsored for DebCamp
    Note: contributors could have DebCamp sponsored, but paying DebConf (if they fullfill the rules above but selected Professional or Corporate level)
    1. Orga, volunteers: the orga team will evaluate the DebCamp plan
  • Active Debian contributor (package maintainers, translator, etc) whose Debian contribution is very clear and have a work plan, should get sponsorship.
  • Debian contributor with weak plans should get asked to define a plan or pay
  • People no involved in Debian should not get sponsorship unless:
    • They are active localteam
    • They are required by video team
    • They are helper of disabled contributors

Proposed plan for reviewing travel sponsorhip:

  • Probably we will not have enough money.

[edit] Team members

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