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This page contains phone numbers of attendees who want to stay in contact with each others. I highly suggest that you only give numbers (SIM cards) you were given by our sponsor (if you're worried about privacy).



[edit] m:tel SIM cards

You will have to bring some form of official ID (ID, Passport, Drivers licence, etc)

One of our sponsors, mtel, will be giving us free SIM cards to avoid high roaming costs and to help communicate more easily with each others. Every attendee who wants one can get it during:

[edit] DebCamp

10:00h - 11:00h && 12:00h - 13:00h && 15:00h - 18:30h
Hacklab 1st floor (If I'm not there, you can find me running around venue doing stuff, Vedran Omeragic)

If you're unable to come in above specified time, you can contact me personally at number +387 61 235 700 or through the mailing list.

[edit] DebConf

Ask for a SIM while you register at the Debconf booth at Banski Dvor.

[edit] Phones

To use the SIM, you need an unlocked GSM phone. Supported frequencies for GSM are 900Mhz and 1800Mhz. 2100Mhz is the only frequency supported for UMTS.

[edit] US phones

In the US, AT&T and T-Mobile use GSM, but most phones you get from them are locked to a specific carrier. You may be able to get the carrier to unlock the phone if you have completed your contract. Some phones have a simple unlock sequence, legality of doing this is up to you.

[edit] European phones

Most European phones should work.

[edit] Card properties

Each card has 5KM credit on it, and using it you can call, text and surf. Rate table can be found below. In order to get more credit, just ask for more m:tel mobile credit at any newsstand kiosk (Few of these can be found on the left side after leaving trough the main entrance of Banski Dvor).

First time you make a call you will receive a some instructions on Bosnian. When she is done speaking just press number 2; in order to set your voicemail on English (but you won't need this, as it's a pay-for-a-service thing). That's all.

[edit] Cust. Svc. IVR

Phone # is 444 and calls are free. You won't be able to check your balance (*101#) until you've made a call so you can call 444 to make your balance checkable.

[edit] Language

Dial 444, wait some period until there are options recited (maybe 10 secs in?) and then hit 4,2,2 to set the language to English.

[edit] Switching Tariffs

Dial 444, wait some period until there are options recited (maybe 10 secs in?) and then hit 4,1,${number from table below}. Then you'll be prompted to confirm your choice.

English Bosnian IVR option #
Call ZOVI 2
Send ŠALJI 3
Hit HIT 5

[edit] Rates

(this probably only represents 1 rate scheme, there's ~5 of them. will write more later. see [1]) The stated rates do not include VAT (17%).

Incoming calls are free and unlimited. (but usually more expensive for the caller than calls to landlines)

[edit] Outgoing Calls

destination KM/min (only per min, no charge per call)
Same network call (m:tel) 0.24
Fix line (BiH) 0.20
Calling other networks(BiH) 0.24

[edit] International outgoing calls

destination KM/min
Landline networks mt:s in Serbia and Monte Negro 0.50
Other mobile networks in Serbia and Monte Negro 0.65
Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia 1.30
Albania, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy and Austria 1.95
Rest of Europe 2.47
Rest of the world 3.25

[edit] SMS (texts)

destination KM/msg
domestic (within BiH) 0.095
international (outside BiH) 0.12

[edit] MMS

0.09KM / msg

[edit] Internet (3G)

1.00KM / MB

(0.30KM / MB if you switch to "Surfaj" tariff.)

[edit] Settings

name (whatever you want) usually "mtelfun"
APN mtelfrend

All others should be left unchanged, all but these and MCC/MNC should be "None" or "Not set" or equivalent. (my default or automatically found values were: MCC=218,MNC=05)

[edit] Credit status

Dial *101# to get a message with your credit status

[edit] Attendee Phone Directory

Please add your names alphabetically.

Name Nickname Phone number
Adam Borowski kilobyte +38765295381
Aigars Mahinovs +38765423946
Alain Schröder +38765343012
Alexander Reichle-Schmehl +38765343366
Andreas Tille +38765427227
Andrés Goens goens +38765337601
Andrew McMillan karora +38765424113
Ansgar +38765423538
Arne Goetje +38765423906
Asheesh Laroia +38765296727
Axel Beckert +38765425680
Ben H. bwh +38765425390
Chris Butler crispy +38765294694
Colin Watson +38765341826
Dag Asheim +38765342822
dam +38765426690
Didier Raboud odyx +38765336653
Enrico Tassi +38765423998
Enrico Zini +38765422136
Eric Evans urandom +38765294152
Evgeni Golov Zhenech +38765338906
Gabor Kum +38765336680
Ganneff +38765342767
Gaudenz +38765342958
Geert Stappers stappers +38765343713
Giovanni Mascellani gio +38765292731
Goswin von Brederlow mrvn +38765296756
Hector Oron zumbi +38765296536
Jana Wisniowska jana030 +38765335499
Jeremy jeremyb +38765425271
Jesus Climent mooch +38765426964
Jonas Smedegaard +38765423477
Jimmy Kaplowitz Hydroxide +38765294566
Jonathan Wiltshire jmw +38765337709
Kurt Roeckx Q_ +38765340404
Lior Kaplan +38765341216
Luca Capello gismo +38765423838
Martin Ferrari tincho +38765338263
martin f. krafft madduck +38765296550
maxx +38765339834
Meike Reichle +38765341712
Michael Banck +38765426709
Miguel Landaeta nomadium +38765336768
Mika Pflüger +38765340973
Mike D. +38765421668
Moritz Naumann bfly +38765338336
Nattie +38765423290
nardev +38761107423
Neil Williams SL40 +38765335989
Norman García +38765 425367
Oded Naveh +38765338680
Otavio Salvador +38765425892
p2 +38765293048
pabs +38765425131
Pei-Hua +38765426651
Phil K. +38765427245
René Mayorga +38765343177
Rhonda +38765425587
Rob Browning rlb +38765342581
Sebastian Tennant sebyte +38765423515
Stefano Rivera +38765338543
Thomas Koch thkoch +38765341098
Thorsten Glaser mirabilos +38765339523
tiago +38765426327
Tom Marble tmarble +38765295278
Torsten Werner twerner +38765339913
Ulrich 'mru' Dangel +38765340544
Vedran O. +38761235700
Velimir aroundthfur +38762428361
vorlon +38765426883
weasel +38765337714
wookey +38765339383
Wouter Verhelst +38765425646
Zack +38765422765

Printable version (as of 2011-07-24 18:45):

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