NOTE: This is a raw dump of the talks committee notes, it isn't particularly intelligible for anyone who wasn't there, but it contains some information that we all need to fulfill some of the individual tasks we committed to.
Review of how talks@debconf in the past
Talk about session chairs and panels bit too
talk about keynotes vs. invited talks
example panel discussion: intersection between free software and privacy or legal concerns
group sessions into 2 categories, shorter dual sessions in single track days half-day/whole day workshops that are happening at the same time
glossary terminology clarification has been moved to its own page!
what are we asking for, besides a talk or a tutorial i want to lead
suggestions for tracks/thematic groups that are not linked to responsibilities. track proposal has to say something
track coordinators for given tracks: this is what you can expect: you wont have to do all of the work. we will talk to you about how much time, we will seed the track
call for contributions!
title, submission of an abstract, timeframe for all of these talk: tutorial, panel, or track! panel: suggestion participants tutorial: outline discussion: propose a subject debates/contests/rants! film / perforamce / installations (permanent thing in a location) invitation for other possibilities, be creative! have to in your description say what type/category of the contribution is URL pointing to the wiki page of glossery terms
here are some examples for potential talks/tutorial here is an example of what a track could be example panels
glossary page: micah and biella will create call contributions: draft of the call: hans will do first draft start the Contribution Brainstorm/examples: kris, micah dkg interested in looking at penta to see how glossery would map