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For general information regarding the laundry, visit the university's wiki : see:

The instruction below applies to Carman. Furnald Hall is probably similar.

The laundry are in the basement of Carman.

  • The laundry costs $1.25, and last 30 minutes
  • The dryer costs $1.25, and last 60 minutes
  • The soap is $0.50, the softner cost $0.50 ... I was not lucky with that machine... I bought some soap from the supermarket, if you want some soap , come knocking at root 505B [ later, I'll bring that bottle to Debian Frontdesk ] (please, return the soap ASAP. a $0.25/$0.50 participation is welcome). Or if you need all natural detergent (2X Ultra ĒCOS brand) SynrG has some at #304 Furnald. if you want to help with Debian Eee PC bugs instead, that's cool. The Furnald soap machine has a note saying it eats quarters, by the way.

The machine only accept 25¢ coins, so you need 12 * $0.25 coins

schedule: not known

[edit] See also

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