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Here we collect questions that we can ask people to find out about their preferences for a Debconf.

[edit] Questions

* have you been to a previous debconf?
  * which one(s)?
* In which months of the year would be best for you to attend a Debconf?
  * In which months of the year would be the worst for you to attend a Debconf?
* Where do you come from?
  * What is your nationality?
  * Where do you live?
* would you attend a Debconf in the USA?
* what do you think are the main factors of a good Debconf?
  (stuff like talks, beer, hacking, close proximity of hacklabs, sleeping quarters and auditoriums, ...)
* how did you perceive the overall tone of conduct from the organizers?
* do you have special needs?
  (stuff like handcapped adapted rooms, vans or any other kinda of things)
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