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The Mini-DebConf Paris 2014 takes place during the weekend of 18-19 January 2014, and is hosted by Télécom ParisTech in Paris.

It is organized by the French Debian Association.


[edit] Details

The weekend of 18-19 January 2014, i.e. Saturday and Sunday.

[edit] Location

  • Télécom ParisTech, 49 rue Vergniaud, 75013 Paris, France
  • Map.

[edit] Getting there

  • By Subway: line 6 “Corvisart“ station (5 min walk)
  • See the official access map for more information.

[edit] Current status

  • Waiting for proposals

[edit] Information

[edit] Room capacities

  • Amphi B312: around 150 seats

[edit] TODO list

  • Communicate about the event
  • Find sponsors
  • Schedule
  • Find volunteers for frontdesk

[edit] Schedule

The official schedule is published on the official website.

[edit] Meetings

  • Munin
  • Fedmsg

[edit] Debian France vote

The status of Debian France must be updated to upgrade the association to the French 1901 law and also to update the status to make sure that Debian France will be recognized as a trusted organization.

So, a vote will occur during the event, likely on Saturday afternoon.

[edit] Key-signing party

Due to the lack of manpower, the keysigning event is going to be uncoordinated. So, please bring your key already printed.

To help us organize it efficiently, please:

  1. print some copies of your key fingerprint;
  2. print the attendees list you will receive before the event;
  3. come with all that stuff, one or two identity documents and a pen.

It will also be possible to get accredited for CAcert. If you want to participate in the CAcert accreditation, please bring:

  • if you are already an assurer or close to become one, some copies of the accreditation form pre-filled with your name as the assurer;
  • in all cases, some copies of the accreditation form pre-filled with your name as the requester;
  • two or more identity documents.

[edit] Participants

Add yourself to the list.

N Name Mail Arrival Departure Confirmed PGP ID Notes
1 Sylvestre Ledru *anonymized* Lives in Paris Yes
2 Raphaël Hertzog 18/01: 9:02 at Gare de Lyon, TGV 6691 19/01: 18:56 at Gare de Lyon, TGV 6689 Yes 4096R/F2AC729A
3 Alexandre Delanoë debian/@/delanoe . o r g Lives in Paris Yes 4096R/305D6E2C
4 Nicolas Dandrimont olasd@d.o Lives near Paris Yes 4096R/66475AAF
5 Julien Breyault julien.breyault/at/ Lives near Paris Yes
6 Santiago RR santiago@d.o TBD TBD Not yet
7 Andreas Tille tille@d.o 17.01.2014 at 16:50 Paris Est 20.01.2014 at 09:10 Paris Est Yes 4096R/D1C646D1
8 Pierre Blanc pierreblanc75@g.c Lives near Paris Yes 4096R/B2158909
9 Yann Coleu debian-at-yanco-dot-eu Lives near Paris Yes 4096R/06B07725
10 Carl Chenet chaica@d.o TBD TBD Yes 4096R/8CD736E2
11 Emilien Klein emilien+debian/at/ Fridaynight Sundaynight yes 4096R/0A2368F0 Coming from NL

12 Wookey Friday 19:17 Gare du Nord Sunday 21:13 Gare du Nord yes 4096R/A86F9E47 Train from Cambridge
13 h01ger holger@d.o TBD TBD yes 4096R/069AAA1C
14 Stephen Kitt skitt@d.o Sunday 9:34 Gare de Lyon Sunday 18:56 Gare de Lyon yes 4096R/A36B494F Coming from Lyon
15 Ralf Treinen treinen@d.o Lives near Paris no 4096R/D4CACDFF
16 Frederik Brosson *anonymized* yes CAcert Assurer
17 Cyril Brulebois kibi@d.o Saturday, 9:30 @ Montparnasse Sunday, 18:30 @ Montparnasse Confirmed 4096R/C2B35520
19 Damien Raude-Morvan drazzib@d.o TBD TBD Not Yet 4096R/33E749FC
20 Bill Allombert ballombe@d.o 17/01 20/01 Yes 4096R/4522E387 1024D/B5444815
21 Cédric Boutillier boutil@d.o Lives near Paris Yes 4096R/11E149E9
22 Thomas Vincent TBD TBD Not Yet 4096R/D38F11A3
23 Pablo Oliveira *anonymized* Lives in Paris no 4096R/10CB31B4
24 Jonas Genannt 14. Jan 20. Jan (TGV9577) yes 4096R/016CFFD0
25 Antonio Terceiro terceiro@d.o 2013-01-14 (for the Ruby sprint, 15-17) 2013-01-19 yes 4096R/CD460BDE
26 Olivier Berger obergix@d.o Living near Paris not yet 4096R/7C5BB6A5
27 Vincent Legout Lives in Paris Yes 4096R/58A23DE9
28 Jonathan Dupart <firstname>@<lastname>.org Lives near Paris 19/1 yes 4096R/0x3A3A8F8FA008D939
29 Steve Schnepp Lives in Paris 4096R/98BA4133
30 Didier Raboud odyx@d.o 17/01 22:02 Gare de Lyon 19/01 15:57 Gare de Lyon yes 4096R/2BEF0A33
31 Geert Stappers stapper@d.o Fridaynight Sundaynight yes GPG Key ID Notes
32 Michel Gratia Live near Paris
33 Enrico Tassi gareuselesinge@d.o Lives in Paris yes 0123f2f2
34 Solveig TBD TBD yes
35 Giulio Paci 12/01/2014 19/01/2014 18:10 Orly Airport yes 4096R/B7ADB86F
36 Fabien Givors 18/01/2014 morning 18/01/2014 evening yes 4096R/5E2B115E
37 Simon Folco kaochen2[at] Live near Paris yes
38 Stéphane Glondu glondu@d.o 2014-01-17 in the afternoon 2014-01-19 20:13 (Paris Est) yes 4096R/49881AD3 coming from Nancy
39 Stefano Zacchiroli zack@d.o lives in Paris yes 4096R/6D866396
40 Raphaël Walther 2014-01-17 21:49 (Paris Gare-de-Lyon) 2014-01-19 19:11 (Paris Gare-de-Lyon) yes 2048R/3C062189
41 Luca Capello 2014-01-17 21:49 (Paris Gare-de-Lyon) 2014-01-19 19:11 (Paris Gare-de-Lyon) yes 4096R/E397832F
42 Christian Hofstaedtler zeha@d.o 2014-01-14 2014-01-20 yes 4096R/93052E03
43 Alessandro Flacco alex at lives in Paris yes 4096R/B7997C2C
44 Michel Barret vendredi soir dimanche après midi yes
45 Benoît Bréholée 2014-01-17 evening 2014-01-19 evening yes 4096R/4583D5F1
46 Lasfargues andré Saturday 18-01-14 09:30 Saturday 18-01-14 18:30 yes 4096R/D6D6325F Notes
47 Leo Saturday 10h Saturday 17h yes
48 Louis-Maurice De Sousa Saturday 10h Saturday 18h yes
49 Frédéric Moreau kiriaratàfreefr Yes
50 Pierre Desvaux pierreà lives near Paris Yes
51 Gilles Goutelle lives near Paris Yes
52 Pierre Gruet pgtdebian at free dot fr lives near Paris yes 4096R/406FC306
53 Thibaut Girka lives near Paris no 4096R/A7FE5DD6
54 Ivan MILOSAVLJEVIC Lives near Paris yes
55 Lucas Nussbaum lucas@d.o Already in paris 19/01, 19:13, to Nancy Yes F4DFBE99
56 Francesca Bassi fra at Lives in Paris yes
57 Ivo De Decker ivodd@ yes
58 Mehdi Dogguy mehdi@ yes
59 Jerome Vouillon yes
60 Érik Le Blanc anonymized Saturday pm Saturday EOD yes
61 Ahmet Demir *anonymized* Lives in Paris Yes
62 William Bonnet Lives in Paris Yes 25A59D48
63 J. Fernando Lagrange (aka LowMemory) *anonimized* In Paris from friday In Paris until monday Yes 382FE71F
64 Vincent Bernat bernat@d.o Lives in Paris Yes 4096R/353525F9
65 Gaspard d'Hautefeuille <firstname>.<lastname>[at] Lives in Paris Yes Need CAcert Points =)
66 Name Email address Arrival datetime Departure datetime Confirmed yes/no GPG Key ID Notes

[edit] Empty couches

Do you have an empty couch in Paris and wish to welcome someone attending the Mini-DebConf Paris 2014? Please leave your information below.

N Name Mail Couches available from Couches available until Number of couches Guests Notes

[edit] Couch request

People with sleeping bags who are happy with a couche or a place for their air matras.

Status is request, offered or covered.

N Status Name Mail Friday-Saturday Saturday-Sunday Sunday-Monday Notes
1 covered Geert Stappers stappers@d.o yes yes Sharing Hotel room
N Status Name Mail Friday-Saturday Saturday-Sunday Sunday-Monday Notes

[edit] Tourism, dining

Just some bookmarks:

[edit] Help

[edit] Organizers

  • Sylvestre Ledru -
  • Alexandre Delanoe -


A huge thanks to Valessio S Brito for the official logo.

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