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[edit] What to do to record+stream a talk

[edit] Start of day

Turn on the computer, wait for autologin into, turn on the camera and in a shell run:


[edit] Start of event

Put a new tape into the camera, press record on the camera when the talk starts. Also press "c" in the dvswitch window, to start recording in a new file. DO NOT do this if the talk has already started! It is better to have two events in one file than one event in two files.

[edit] Switching cameras

Switch between the cameras with "1", "2", "3". This affects video only. Audio normally comes from camera 1 all the time.

[edit] Countdown the event

15min before the talk ends, show the "15min left" sign to the speaker, 10min, 5min, 0min...

[edit] End of event

When the talks ends, press "c" again in the dvswitch window and take the tape out of the camera and label the tape with the pentabarf event id (and the event title and date). The event id appears in the URL for the event details.

[edit] getting the dc7 logo in dvswitch

run in a shell when dvswitch is running:

dv-source-file -l dc7logo-screen.dv

[edit] 4 talks at the same time

we can only stream from either basement talk or upper bof room, just kill dvswitch in upper bof room

[edit] Restarting Icecast streams

If audio and video are out of sync in the live stream, or it stopped completely, you can restart it:

  • on selma (Upper Talk Room)
    • pkill -f ffmpeg ; dc-start-sink icecast:daffy
  • on mrwhite (Basement Talk Room)
    • pkill -f ffmpeg ; dc-start-sink icecast:donald
  • on itchy (Upper BoF Room)
    • pkill -f ffmpeg ; dc-start-sink icecast:donald
  • on scratchy (Lower BoF Room)
    • pkill -f ffmpeg ; dc-start-sink icecast:mickey

[edit] if you leave the room

(and nobody else is doing video work there): run in a shell:

xscreensaver &
xscreensaver-command --lock
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