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[edit] 2007-06-08

Date: 2007-06-08 14:00

Place: Upper Talk Room

Talk: Hewlett Packard's Relationship with Debian by Bdale Garbee


Remark: video not seekable in totem (missing indexes?)

[edit] 2007-06-17

Date: 2007-06-17 11:48:49

Place: Basement Talk Room

Talk: Postmortem on Debian Creative Commons Workgroup by Dondelcaro (Evan did not show up)

FileName: /video/dv/2007-06-17/Basement Talk Room/11:48:49.dv

Remark: No sound for several minutes (at the beginning)

[edit] 2007-06-18

Date: 2007-06-18 10:59:54

Place: Upper Talk Room

Talk: Netconf by Madduck

FileName: /video/dv/2007-06-18/Upper Talk Room/10:59:54.dv

Remark: No sound for the 10 first minutes

Date: 2007-06-18 10:59:54

Place: Upper Talk Room

Talk: Netconf by Madduck


Remark: No sound for the first 7 minutes 30 seconds; afterwards the sound is pitch-shifted and somewhat out-of-sync.

Date: 2007-06-18 15:19:15

Place: Lower BoF Room

Talk: h0lger

FileName: /video/dv/2007-06-18/Lower BoF Room/15:19:15.dv

Remark: No sound for the 10 first minutes

Date: 2007-06-18 19:49:40

Place: Basement Talk Room

Talk: SPI Board meeting

FileName: /video/dv/2007-06-18/Basement Talk Room/19:49:40.dv

Remark: Incomplete coverage of event

Date: 2007-06-18 17:36:41

Place: Basement Talk Room

Talk: OpenStreetMap

FileName: /video/dv/2007-06-18/Basement Talk Room/17:36:41.dv

Remark: Sound starts at 00:29:55 (2 minutes after the talk starts). Slight flickering while looking at the screen. Some over-saturation on camera 1. Talk incomplete, only ~30 min recorded.

Date: 2007-06-18 16:57:44

Place: Basement Talk Room

Talk: Evolving Debians governance

FileName: /video/dv/2007-06-18/Basement Talk Room/16:57:44.dv

Remark: The video file starts after the talk had already been running for a while, recover from tape.

Date: 2007-06-18 19:00:15

Place: Lower BoF Room

Talk: Popcon BOF

FileName: /video/dv/2007-06-18/Lower BoF Room/19:00:15.dv

Remark: Incomplete coverage of event

Date: 2007-06-18 18:15:45

Place: Upper BoF Room

Talk: Init systems

FileName: /video/dv/2007-06-18/Upper BoF Room/18:15:45.dv

Remark: Incomplete coverage of event

Date: 2007-06-18 19:00

Place: Upper Talk Room

Talk: Maintaining Packages With Git by David Nusinow

FileName: 161_Maintaining_Packages_With_Git.ogg

Remark: Truncated; stops at 14:14

[edit] 2007-06-19

Date: 2007-06-19 15:56:15

Place: Basement Talk Room

Talk: Fai Q&A session by Thomas Lange

FileName: /video/dv/2007-06-19/Basement Talk Room/15:56:15.dv

up to and including /video/dv/2007-06-19/Basement Talk Room/16:57:39-1.dv

Remark: Lots of missing audio, small files, multiple filesyncs, bad direction (camera pointing at a bunch of cables coming out of a computer). Candidate for attempt to recovery from tape?

Date: 2007-06-19 14:01:54

Place: Upper Talk Room

Talk: Security Support in Debian

FileName: /video/dv/2007-06-19/Upper Talk Room/14:01:54.dv

Remark: 18:00 <tiagovaz> /video/dv/2007-06-19/Upper Talk Room/14:01:54.dv is the deb security talk, but it takes only 8 minutes, and next video is 17:48:39.dv :( 18:05 < tiagovaz> so, link it anyway? 18:07 < tiagovaz> I'll put as invalid 18:09 < tassia_> tiagovaz, h01ger agrees with you

Place: Upper Talk Room

Talk: dc7 jam session & day trip explanation FileName: /video/dv/2007-06-19/Upper Talk Room/17:48:39.dv

Remark: Contains 2 events, Wouter/Heike/Kevin's jam session and the explanation in English and Spanish for the day trip, both have had various requests to keep.

Place: Lower BoF Room

Talk: Trusted Computer Project (but other speaker)

FileName: /video/dv/2007-06-19/Lower BoF Room/13:54:25.dv

Remark: contains beginning of a second talk.

First talk is in penta.

Second talk mistakenly starts in the Lower BoF Room, and changes room at stop time. It continues in the Upper Bof Room if that was recorded. (can't find it.)

Second Start: 02:08:14 Second Stop: 02:10:44 (change of room)

Place: Basement Talk Room

Talk: Debian/GNU + OpenSolaris = Nexenta

FileName: /video/dv/2007-06-19/Basement Talk Room/16:57:39.dv

Remark: No sound from 00:40:51 to 00:41:15 because firewire cable from cam 1 dropped out. Must be on tape if it's worth the effort.

Place: Lower BoF Room

Talk: Ligusk: Gentoo as a meta-distribution or making a custom Debian like distribution.

FileName: /video/dv/2007-06-19/Lower BoF Room/13:54:25.dv

Remark: start:00:08:15 end:01:48:35 (wasn't able to claim it in penta)

Place: Upper BoF Room

Talk: Getting our LDAP story together FileName: /video/dv/2007-06-19/Upper BoF Room/14:03:58.dv

Remark: Incomplete coverage of event Also not in penta yet due to its update.

[edit] 2007-06-21

Date: 2007-06-21 11:00:00 (planned)

Place: Upper BoF Room

Talk: Arm port BOF

Remark: There were just files showing the preparings for that talk. No file covering the talk found.

Use the following template for adding remarks:

[edit] 2007-06-DD

Date: 2007-06-DD HH:MM:SS

Place: Example Talk Room

Talk: Title by Author

FileName: /video/dv/2007-06-DD/Example Talk Room/HH:MM:SS.dv

Remark: Write your remark here (ie: No sound for the 10 first minutes)

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