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< DebConf7
Some conferences we might want to look at getting details for (note that I'm not claiming these are all FOSS conferences, just that there might be a crossover of interests from Debian attendees)
Known dates:
- OpenCon (OpenBSD): 2/3 December 2006, Venice (Italy)
- 15-20 January, Sydney (Australia)
- 7-9th February, Silicon Valley (USA)
- FOSDEM: 25-26 February according to site, but presumably actually the weekend?; Brussels (Belgium)
- AsiaBSDCon: 8-11 March, Tokyo (Japan)
- UKUUG Spring: 19-21st March, Manchester (UK)
- FISL: 12-14 April, Porto Alegre (Brazil)
- MySQL Users Conf: 23-26 April, Santa Clara (USA)
- 3rd Int'l Conf on Open Source Systems: 11-13 June, Limerick (Ireland)
- USENIX07: 17-22 June, Santa Clara (USA)
- YAPC (Perl, North America): June 25-27th Houston, Texas (USA)
- The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks: June 25-28th, Edinburgh (UK)
- aKademy 2007 (KDE): June 30th-July 7th, Glasgow (UK)
- RMLL/LSM: 8-14 July, Amiens (France)
- EuroPython: 9-11 July, Vilnius (Lithuania)
- GUADEC: 15-21 July, Birmingham (UK)
- 9th Ottawa Linux Symposium July, 22-29
- O'Reilly OSCon: 23-27 July, Portland (USA)
- FrOSCon: August 25-26th (Germany)
- YAPCeu (Perl, Europe): 29-31 August, Vienna (Austria)
- Software Freedom Day: 15 September, Worldwide
Guessed dates:
- UKUUG Linux 2007: in 2006 was late June (UK)
- LinuxTag: in 2006 was in May (Germany)
- PostgreSQL: in 2006 was 8/9 July (Canada)
- Kernel summit: usually late June/early July just before OLS, 2007 probably in Sept, Cambridge (UK)
- EuroOSCon: in 2006 was September
- Linux Kongress: usually September/October (Germany)
- RubyConf: in 2006 was 20-22 October (USA)
- EuroBSDCon: in 2006 was November
Don't know:
- BSDCon
- Congreso Nacional de Software Libre (Venezuela) ending at July 2007. A brief poll will be carried in Debian Venezuela, expected results are: everyone wants Debconf :)
- Ubuntu summit?
- Anything for Gentoo/SuSE?