DebConf would be impossible without the generous support of our sponsors. Their contribution enables us to rent the venue and provide food and accommodation to those who cannot afford it themselves.
First and foremost our platinum sponsor HP has provided much of the funding needed to get DebConf15 off the ground and their continued contribution to Debian through infrastructure donations, developer support and annual fiscal support for DebConf is highly appreciated.
[mbanck: possibly also mention that they had numerous boots on the ground]
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We have also had Google summer of Code students onsite whose travel was paid for by Google. And the outreach initiative "outreachy" has enabled xx[FIXME] people to travel from far away places to Heidelberg and take the inspiration home into their communities.
Thanks to our infrastruture sponsors we were able to build and maintain a decent WiFi covering most of the venue and provide storage and CPU capacity to the video team to transcode, stream and store the video files from three lecture rooms in parallel.
[insert logos]
The DebConf organizers also would like to express their special gratitude to Solent University, Southampton, UK for generously providing most of video equipment needed for DebConf15 at short notice.
This year our sponsors had the opportunity to participate in a job fair during the open weekend. HP, credativ, Conova, 1&1, Two Sigma, BMW Group and Mirantis used the opportunity to engage with Debian contributors and visiting developers from all corners of the Earth and discuss their job openings and potential career paths.
[insert picture from aigarius or DLange]