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DC15 was the first DebConf featuring child care.

Six children between two and four years old were taken care of for six hours per day during DebConf; three in the forenoon and three hours in the afternoon. Child care was aligned with the schedule to allow parents to attend talks, BoFs, etc while still allowing the families to eat all three meals together.

With two babysitters, a ratio of three children per adult was achieved which aligns nicely with recommendations for this age group.

The venue offered a play room and plenty of outside space. We purchased a sandbox, a small pool, and various toys as well. The university had several playgrounds and parents self-organized a day-trip through the adjacent zoo.

Overall feedback was overwhelmingly positive, both from parents and from other attendees.

Yet, we also realized that more children on site increase the need for quiet hack labs. Given that organized day care took children away from the main hacking & talk areas, overall noise pollution was most likely decreased, not increased, making child care net positive even for noise-sensitive people.

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