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[edit] Debconf Assassins

Get ready for round seven! We want to continue the tradition of ghostifying people, one country at a time.  :-)

Debconf Assassins will take place during Debconf14 in Portland (OR, USA). It's a fun game, the rules are simple and shall be explained shortly.

If you clicked on Participate in Assassins game on the conference management system you are in. If you don't, please, send an email to (or just talk to faw in person/IRC), new people can enter the game every time someone is ghostified. Also, if you arrived (or registered) after Monday August 25th 12h00m local time (Portland, OR) your name won't be on the starting list, so you should send an email to report you arrive and ask to be added to the game.

The game starts on Tuesday August 26th 15h00m local time (Portland, OR) (If you come later, don't worry. Late-comers are added into the game whenever someone dies)
The game will end on Saturday August 30th 20h00m local time (Portland, OR) and the winner will be nominated during the closing talk.

[edit] Rules

We are playing with similar rules as in the last years.

Everyone gets a target person randomly picked from the list of people playing the game.

This year, there's a small change, as we migrated to a new conference system, the Assassins module is not yet implemented, so we will be using email to assigning targets and communicate in general.

Be sure not to tell anyone who your target is. Your task is to ghostify (we won't use violent terms such as "assassinate" or "kill" anymore) your victim by touching him/her with a (clean) sock on the upper body. The sock must be in your hands at time of contact. Also, please refrain from any violence.

When you ghostify your target, send an email to to report that you have done so. Your target has to confirm this (by also sending an email), and after that happened you get a new target assigned. Should this not happen within 2 hours or should your target outright refuse to confirm the ghostification, please contact the Admins running this game, reachable at (or just talk to faw in person/IRC).

If you get ghostified, DO NOT TELL ANYONE YOUR TARGET. Keep it SECRET. Send an email to (or just talk to faw in person/IRC) as soon as you can and confirm the ghostification! You are allowed to wander through the hacklab by wearing a blank sheet if you find this is funny, though.

At the end of the game, the winner will be determined by the largest number of ghosts (s)he created.

Now here are the rules:

  • You must touch/brush/pet/whack your target with a (clean) sock on the upper body. The sock has to be in your hands at the moment of contact.
  • No other participant of the game (ghost or not) may witness this act. If someone does and announces it (or confirms the victim's claim), your mission failed. You must wait 24 hours before you can retry (but now your target knows whom to watch out for). The other rules still apply as before, meaning you still have to catch your target alone after those 24 hours. So you better be careful.
  • You are not allowed to "attack" in the person's own room.
  • Bathrooms are off-limits. So is sauna. Pool is allowed. AFAIK, there is no sauna nor pool but there could be.
  • Never talk about the game to anyone while it's going on. Well, that's a guideline, not a rule. There is more tension if no-one knows who to look out for or what's happening.

[edit] Comments or questions?

[edit] Hints

[edit] New ideas for rules, weapons etc.

[edit] Stories

[edit] Participants

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