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Please add your name to the list below if you want to come to the Orga Team Fondue on Sunday 11th in the evening.

(time to be announced later, depending on when people arrive)

  1. Gaudenz
  2. Cate
  3. Hug
  4. Eva
  5. Nattie
  6. Patty
  7. Steve
  8. OdyX
  9. rafw
  10. h01ger if video allows it. the first day is always pretty packed...
  11. rhalina
  12. madduck
  13. heiserhorn
  14. Arne
  15. Tassia
  16. Tiago
  17. moray
  18. RichiH
  19. IlonaH
  20. XTaran
  21. esh
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