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Wireless network configuration was started on 2012-06-30 by fil, gaudenz, gismo and rmayorga, please check with them if you want to help.


[edit] Using the debconf wireless

The SSID is debconf and password supercowpower .

[edit] Hardware list

[edit] Device List

Label Channel Model Location MAC Address Hostname IP txpower Notes
B131 6 Buffalo Armando Lopez 00:0d:0B:83:7C:68 buffalo-lopez-6
B133 Buffalo 00:0D:0B:83:7F:74 dc12-admin
B136 Buffalo 00:0D:0B:83:75:54
B137 6 Buffalo Xabier Hacklab 00:0D:0B:83:6D:78 buffalo-xabier-6
B138 1 Buffalo Xabier Hacklab 00:0D:0B:83:87:64 buffalo-xabier-1
B139 6 Buffalo Aula Magna 00:0D:0B:83:90:AA buffalo-aula-6
B140 1 Buffalo Armando Lopez 00:0D:0B:83:82:46 buffalo-lopez-1
B141 1 Buffalo Roberto Teran 00:0D:0B:83:79:68 buffalo-teran-1
ph003 11 TP-Link Roberto Teran F8:D1:11:BC:84:76 tplink-teran-11
ph002 11 TP-Link Aula Magna F8:D1:11:B7:30:8C tplink-aula-11
11 TP-Link Lopez (BoF / Hacklab) 90:F6:52:20:1A:8C tplink-lopez-11 no label, probably not in the inventory, former dc12-admin
ph001 TP-Link F8:D1:11:B7:30:4E probably broken
r1gw -- TP-Link Aula Magna B0:48:7A:D3:17:D4 r1gw
r2gw -- TP-Link Roberto Teran B0:48:7A:C0:98:B6 r2gw
xamanu-007 11 TP-Link Xabier Hacklab F8:D1:11:56:6E:96 tplink-xabier-11
dkg-005 1 / 36 WZR-HP-AG300H Aula Magna 10:6F:3F:0C:19:D0 dkg-aula-1 802.11a radio (phy1) turned of because it was unstable

[edit] Documentation for the OpenWRT setup at DebConf12

This page describes the access point configuration for DebConf12.

[edit] Building an image

[edit] Buffalo (brcm-2.4)

[edit] TP-Link and Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H (ar71xx)

On this device the latest release (10.03.1) has some bugs. So we use a trunk snapshot. But the Image Generator for trunk needs libc 2.14 which is not yet in Debian (OMG). So we use the prebuilt sysupgrade image for TP-Link or the tftp flashing image for the Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H or the sysupgrade image for the Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H. If flashing over the manufacturer firmware you need the factory image and flash it via the web interface.

[edit] Flashing an image

[edit] Buffalo

1. Connect your computer to one of the ports 1-4 (not WAN!) of the Buffalo via a Switch (without the switch your interface will go down if you restart the Buffalo for flashing)

2. Assign an address in the range to your computer

3. Prepare your computer to tftp upload the image:

 # sudo arping -f && echo -e "binary\ntrace\nput openwrt-brcm-2.4-squashfs.trx" | tftp

4. Disconnect the Buffalo from power, press the "init" button on the small side, reconnect power, after a few seconds the tftp upload should start

5. After the upload finished and the image is written to the internal storage of the Buffalo it will restart itself.

6. With the Debconf configuration the Buffalo listens on on the WAN port, the LAN ports are bridged and do DHCP.

[edit] TP-Link

1. Boot into rescue mode by pressing the QSS button after startup while the SYS LED is flashing.

2. Connect by telnet to the device on and activate the writeble root and ssh (and change the root password if needed):

 # telnet
 # mount_root
 # /etc/init.d/dropbear start
 # passwd (only if you don't know the current root password)

3. Copy the new image to the device (to /tmp!)

 # scp openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-wr1043nd-v1-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin root@

4. Flash the new image:

 # ssh root@
 # sysupgrade -n -d 10 -v /tmp/openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-wr1043nd-v1-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin

[edit] Setting the channel and the transmission power

# setting the channel
uci set
# setting transmission power
uci set wireless.wl0.txpower=xx
uci commit
# restart wifi

[edit] Your .ssh config

You may want to add this stanza to your own ~/.ssh/config to disable host key checking on 192.168.1.* so that you can ssh into multiple APs as you're flashing them without getting annoying warnings about the host key (of course) being changed...

Host 192.168.1.*
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  GlobalKnownHostsFile /dev/null
  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null

[edit] Issues

[edit] Issues Log

Add your issue here, including the MAC address of the AP you saw the issue with, the date & time, and any other useful information you can think of. Then tell rmayorga on IRC your own wireless MAC address.

[edit] See also

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