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[edit] DebConf11 TV Ad

In this wiki I'll explain/"direct" how DebConf11 TV Ad should look like. Ad should be simple and fast, sections and elements should be switched quickly therefor making whole ad look very dynamic. Style this Ad should most relate to would be minimalism. This Ad is for TV and its quality should be Full HD (1920 x 1080) even though I would like to see 720p that we could use on the web.

Colors: black/dark background with white/light grey text

Default font: Droid Serif

Images: DebConf11 logo, Debian logo, Google logo

Whole Ad should last up to 10 seconds.

[edit] Script/"Screenplay"

Part 1

Ad would start with "beam in" effect of Debian logo being set in the center, then "counter" with quick fade in would appear underneath it. This "counter" will consist of following names being shown one after another with effect that would best resemble what you see when kilometers/miles meter on your car. Every name would come with light beat/drum kick or even a heart beat sound.

What you would see is in our "counter" would be:

  • Bordeaux, France (2000/01)
  • Toronto, Canada (2002)
  • Oslo, Norway (2003)
  • Porto Alegre, Brazil (2004)
  • Helsinki, Finland (2005)
  • Oaxtepec, Mexico (2006)
  • Edinburgh, Scotland (2007)
  • Mar del Plata, Argentina (2008)
  • Cáceres, Spain (2009)
  • New York City, USA (2010)

The counter would then slowly switch from last item (NYC) to Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2011) this time with slowest light beat/drum kick.

This should take up to ~4 seconds.

Part 2

Then following keywords would come one the screen. They would be put into the screen from right corner then pulled to the center of screen and then leave the screen at left end of the screen. While in center of the screen they would be the largest and would occupy 30% of the screen size. At this point some kind of fast paced music could start.

Keywords would be shown one after another, and they would be:

  • Debian?
  • Linux?
  • Enigma?

... small pause ...

  • DebConf?
  • Google?
  • Banja Luka?

This part should take ~3 seconds.

Part 3

Then we would have the first screen again, but this time instead of Debian logo, we would have "DebConf11 logo" on the same spot. Under it this would appear in pulsating effect one after another:

  • DebConf11 (bold text)
  • Banja Luka (bold)
  • Republika Srpska
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • 24 - 30 .07.2011

then DebConf11 url would appear as someone was typing it but letters would be appear randomly


Ad ends with old CRT TV being shut down/or Gingerbread screen off animation (

Ideally this part of the Ad should stay on for the longest lasting up to ~4 seconds.

You as an artist feel free to add your own elements or alter it and fully express your vision. This whole "screenplay" of mine can even only be used as guidelines how this ad should look like, but then again try to stay in its "margins" but again only if it doesn't restrict your "artistic freedom".

If you have any questions or suggestions please start topic on "debconf-team" mailing list or email me privately adnan AT foolcontrol DOT org

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