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[edit] About the priority list

  • "affordable" for both sponsors and attendees
    • Definitely. All aspects of the bid are most affordable, and issues like connectivity are getting very cost-competitive.
  • strong, mature, experienced local team
    • Local team has been organizing local conferences, some of us have been taking part on earlier DebConfs, but sure, this would be a great challenge!
  • good working spaces
    • Overall, CCEE provides a great place to hold our conference, yet hacklabs are still to be defined since CCEE has a dusk-to-dawn schedule which requires us to find a place to keep the hacklab running
  • excellent network connectivity
    • We expect this to be DebConf-quality, maybe comparing our expectations with the service level at DC8. Even if this costs us money, there are sponsors who are willing to pay for it.
  • quality and quantity of food and drink in close proximity
    • Indeed. There's a huge variety of food in close proximity, and it's very cheap. Alcohol (except beer and spirits) might get a little expensive (for .ec standards) but there's still great variety.
  • suitable accommodation in close proximity
  • presentation facilities
    • Both CCEE, Hotel Sebastián and Círculo Militar would provide one beamer per room, an audio system (speakers, stationary and carry-on-your-hand mics, an audio mixer and cables) as well as an office (small room) and places to eat for participants
  • travel logistics
    • Citizens of the Americas could get to .ec directly and very cheaply, and citizens from Europe can get to .ec even cheaper if they travel through Bogota or Caracas.
  • accessibility
    • We wouldn't advise people who expect accessibility to freely move through Metropolitan Quito (which is larger than, say, Caracas) but in the venue and near it we should be OK.

[edit] What about the other bids?

  • New York: nothing will be missed while at NYC, and most practical problems could be solved affordably and quickly.
  • Boston: would provide an attractive and productive atmosphere while giving us peace of mind for practical issues such as connectivity.
  • Margarita: there's a strong local support for Debian and free software, and this could open some doors for local sponsorship.

[edit] Weak points

  • Local team needs to be fully involved, also needs to host a couple of medium-to-big int'l events during 2009 in order to get in shape quickly
  • We need to sort out the talk rooms-sleeping quarters decision ASAP; CCEE would make a great venue but people would need to move between both places. Círculo Militar or Hotel Sebastián are feasible options.
  • Due to the market nature here, the connectivity issue will be defined in 2010, and we expect to see lower prices and higher speeds then
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