DebConf19/Bids/Bratislava/Venues/FIIT STU

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This page is archived. For the current DebConf20 venue proposal, please refer to DebConf20/Bids/Bratislava/Venues/FIIT STU


[edit] FIIT STU

[edit] Description

STU (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava) is the biggest and the oldest technology university in Slovakia. FIIT (Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies) is located at a campus in Karlová Ves locality. It regularly hosts big events, such as PyCon Slovakia, and other conferences. The campus is shared between Comenius University (UK) and two STU faculties, and includes student accommodation facilities, cafeterias and research buildings.

[edit] Conference facilities

[edit] How much does it cost to rent these facilities?

We are planning to use theses rooms:

Talks and discussions:

  • Big lecture theatre (veľká aula)
  • Small lecture theatre (malá aula)
  • Turing, Babbage (one of them potentially a hackroom)

The rest of the rooms may be used for orga purposes or as hackrooms.

The university has provided the following price quote:

Rooms: 29 582,00 EUR
  • big and small lecture theathres, the hallway (-1 floor), classrooms: -1.58, -1.57, 1.40, 1.39, 1.38, 1.37.
Related services: 18 168,18 EUR
  • employee's salaries, Wi-Fi, cleaning, utilities (water, sewage, waste disposal, electricity — all calculated according to the typical use during the normal course of the year)
Total: 47 750,18 EUR (without VAT)

[edit] How far away are the locations from each other?

[edit] What kind of places are available suitable for hacklabs, workshops, BoFs and talks?

Room Seating Price Sound system Projector Can be divided Preview
Big lecture theatre

(Veľká aula, -1.61)

390 €615/d yes yes, 3 no FIIT STU big lecture theatre.jpg
Small lecture theatre

(Malá aula, -1.65)

110 €402/d yes yes no FIIT STU small lecture theatre.jpg
Turing (-1.58) 120/240 €312/d yes, very basic yes, 2 potentially FIIT STU turing 1.jpg
Babbage (-1.57) 80/160 €312/d no yes, 2 yes, a movable wall is to be built before 2019 FIIT STU babbage 0.jpg
Medium classroom

(1.40, 1.31a + 1.31b)

40, 50 €188/d no yes? no N/A
Small classroom

(1.39, 1.38, 1.37, 1.28, 1.29, 1.30a, 1.30b)

20 €157/d no depends on the room no FIIT STU room 1.29.jpg

FIIT STU room 1.30b.jpg

Hallways upstairs

(near the classrooms)

FIIT STU hallway entrance.jpg

FIIT STU upstairs hallway.jpg

Hallways downstairs

(near the talk rooms), cafeteria, outdoor seating

€200/d FIIT STU hallway downstairs.jpg

FIIT STU hallway downstairs seating.jpg

[edit] Are tables/chairs fixed, or can we arrange them to fit more people/give more room to the people that we need?

Big lecture halls have their chairs fixed, Turing and Babbage are equipped with foldable chair+tables which can be converted into chairs or tables, so the number of seats can be doubled at the expense of attendees not having a table in front of them. Classrooms are equipped with full-size non-convertible tables and chairs.

[edit] Is the venue ready for handicapped people?

The building itself is suitable for people with limited abilities. The area around the building is generally accessible, but there are certain minor issues to be solved. The paths leading to all on-site accommodation options are mostly barrier-free; the access to the bus/tram South of the venue is accessible in one direction only, the bus stop North of the venue should be fully accessible.

[edit] Access to all areas with ramps and/or lifts? (Note: carrying somebody over some steps is not usually an acceptable option.)

Wheelchair lift to access the lecture theatres
  • Both entrances feature automatic doors
  • There are four lifts to access the upper floors
  • There’s a wheelchair lift on the lower floor to access the lecture theatres

[edit] Are there people with experience handling handicapped people?

[edit] What people is it not good for?

[edit] Are blueprints with exact distances available to us (to be kept confidential on request)?

University said blueprints will be available upon a request.

[edit] What kind of audio equipment is already present at the auditoriums?

Lecture rooms have amplifiers, speakers, microphones. Small rooms have very basic sound equipment (small speakers, an amplifier and a microphone).

[edit] Will the hacklabs be allowed to stay open 24x7? What time schedule do they offer?

So far the agreement is that the venue is open from morning-ish (~ 8am) to about midnight. Lecture rooms most probably will have to be closed when the talks end. We'll have to pay the security guards for the time the venue is open.

[edit] What kind of security will be there?


[edit] Are there any limitations regarding the consumptions of food / alcohol? Where do what limitations apply?

The university would like to avoid consuming food in the lecture rooms, but it should be okay elsewhere.

[edit] How far is it to the nearest convenience stores / all-night restaurants?

There is a shopping mall in about 15 minutes walk, a 24/7 convenience shop at a nearby petrol station, and a Lidl about 20 minutes away by foot.

[edit] Food

[edit] Caterer options. What kind of food would be served?

There's an internal cafeteria at FIIT, which is operated by an external company. Until recently, the cafeteria wasn't accessible without caterer’s agreement, but now it is (allegedly) possible to use the seating area alone.

Information icon.svg
PyCon and OpenCamp report positive experience with this supplier
Typical prices are:
  • Breakfast: €2 to €2.50
  • Lunch: €3.50 to €4, with a more expensive option for €5.30
  • Baguettes, sandwiches or burgers for €3
  • Fizzy drinks for about €1
Typical menu:
Food option Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Soup Thai sour and spicy soup Tomato soup Bulgarian vegetable soup Mushroom soup Chicken broth with noodles
Main dish 1 Roast pork with mashed potatoes, onions and pickles Roast chicken leg, rice, compote Orava meat sauté with potato pancakes Shoulder roast, stewed cabbage, dumplings Chicken breast with bacon and olives, rice
Main dish 2 Fried camembert, boiled potatoes, tartar sauce Ground "Dutch" steak Halušky with bryndza and bacon Chicken breast in herb batter, boiled potatoes Baked hake, baked potatoes, pickles
Main dish 3 Pasta baked with blue cheese Thick pancakes with raspberry jam Baked creamy cauliflower, boiled potatoes Vegetarian curry with chickpeas and pumpkin, rice Spinach lasagna with parmesan
Main dish 4

(more expensive)

Meat ravioli Roast trout with garlic, potatoes Roast leg of duck with potato flatbread Grilled salmon with lemon sauce, French fries Pork tenderloin with mushroom risotto
  • Food2.0, a healthy fast food restaurant also doing catering
They have prepared a menu offer, the price is €4.99:
Soup (300 ml)
  • Carrot soup with red lentils
  • Meat broth with noodles, meat and vegetables
Main meal
  • chicken breast (120g) with wild rice with nuts and raisins (150g)
+3 sauces (mango chutney, mixed horseradish and mustard, spicy chipotle)
  • fillet (120 g) with roasted potatoes with onion and red pepper (150 g)
+3 sauces (chutney, mixed horseradish and mustard, spicy chipotle)
  • large bryndza sandwich (250g) + salad dressing (65g)
  • guacamole sandwich with chicken meat (200g) + salad (65g)
  • couscous salad with vegetables (400g)
  • warm grilled salad with chicken meat, potatoes and mushrooms + dressing (400g)
Dessert ~
They have also offered us to take care of the coffee, tea and other drinks.
Typical prices from their usual menu are:
  • Breakfast: €2 to €3
  • Lunch:
    • Soups: €1.39/€1.89
    • Sandwiches: €2 to €4
    • Salads: €3 to €5
    • Meat: €3 to €5
    • Garnish: €0.50 to €1
(Actual offer may differ as we’re likely to choose specific combinations instead of offering free choice from the menu)
  • Alternatively, we may use cafeterias in the nearby university buildings.
  • …more?

[edit] How much are the meals per person per day?

€10 to €15 depending on the caterer and the menu chosen.

[edit] Is the eating place near the talks place / the hacklabs

The cafeteria is on the lower floor next to the talk rooms, downstairs from the extra classrooms.

[edit] In what fashion the food will be served? (service to the table, limited buffet, open buffet, etc.)

People would queue, choose their food and be served by the caterer’s workers. The cafeteria offers a small number of tables already, we need an agreement with the cafeteria to use them if we don't use their services. We need extra tables to be places in the hallway regardless.

[edit] Would food for vegetarian / vegan / lactose-intolerant / gluten-sensitive / religious (of any denomination) people be available?

Both caterers have options in their menus, subject to additional agreement in advance when we have attendees numbers.

[edit] How much meals do we need to order to get those kind of "special" meals?

There isn't a minimum.

[edit] Will it cost extra to get those special meals?


[edit] In a two week period, how many more or less equal meals can we expect?

At least food2.0 claims 400 people isn't an issue for them. Still needs TBD.

[edit] Network connectivity

[edit] Is the area already wired with regular network infrastructure?

Yes, this is an informatics faculty and they have a dedicated networking operations team, so they have local wired and wireless connectivity.

[edit] How much does it cost and how difficult is it to get a big Internet connection?

This is TBD with the university team.

[edit] How much work does it imply to cover the area with wireless links?

There is wireless connectivity already. If we decide to have our own, we need to make sure we check the electric wiring in the hallway as they have certain load limits.

[edit] If we use someone else's infrastructure, how easy / flexible can that be handled, regarding routing / firewall / ip-range / public access / other stuff?


[edit] Do we have restrictions on allowed ports?


[edit] Are we traffic-shaped? Or can we set a traffic shaper if we need so?


[edit] Would it be possible to set up the network before Debcamp?

Most probably yes.

[edit] Special room

[edit] Server

[edit] Video

[edit] Accommodation

There are a few student residences directly on campus or nearby, so using them would be the easiest and the cheapest thing for most people.

Residence name Location Capacity Room types Price Notes
Družba student accommodation 10 minutes by foot


  • Twin
  • Triple


Hotel Družba 10 minutes by foot
  • 10
  • 50
  • Single
  • Twin
  • €29
  • €48.70
Mlyny student accommodation

Átriové domky: 15 min by foot

Manželáky: 10 min by foot


  • Single
  • Twin
  • Triple

Pictures: [1]

  • €5/€6.50[notes 1]
  • €3.60
  • €2.50
  • 2×3 + 2×2-bed block: €19.90/€26.50
  • 3×2-bed apartment: €29.90/€38.90

[notes 2]

€1.70 city tax not included

[edit] Is it able to handle non-native speaking people?

Student residences provide accommodation to Erasmus students from abroad, so they’re supposed to speak at least some English.

[edit] Will there be a need of a "Debconf" info-desk, or would the local (hotel or such) people be able to handle that themselves?

Accommodation facilities host international students for Erasmus, so they should have some experience with English and foreigners in general.

[edit] Will it be possible for couples to stay in their own rooms?

Yes. Manželaky residence has been specifically built to accommodate couples.

[edit] How many room keys would be available?


[edit] Are there other hotels around?


[edit] Are there rooms ready for handicapped people? How many?


[edit] Other

[edit] Transit

[edit] Proximity

[edit] Todo

[edit] Notes

  1. The cheaper price is for 4+ nights
  2. Price list
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