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[edit] Summary

Due to the low number of participants, it was decided to consider this meeting non-decisional.

[edit] DC16 finances & final report

It was noted that we should consider dropping this agenda item from future meetings, as almost every time, the persons who are called upon to act are not attending the meeting.

We can still follow-up as required and both tasks who are still pending (closing finances and finishing the final report) exist in Kanboard.

[edit] Catering

Our choice of caterer having been made, we should now have a timeline for getting a contract signed with Le Dîner. Tiago is absent so this will be brought up next meeting.

[edit] Venue

Our 3rd talk room (Salon) booking has been cancelled by the venue as they had double-booked it, so we need to decide on an alternative. Local team will meet at Maisonneuve to look at the options available.

We are also waiting for these follow-ups from the venue:

  • About the late-night 24hr access issue (can we forgo volunteers after 3 AM)
  • To allow us to access the garden through the Salon for accessibility

Also we are waiting for a come back from tbm about the contract language issue.

[edit] Website

Still no progress on the website. Tiago has offered to organise a sprint but not many have responded.

It was noted that the current situation may be hurting our efforts to fundraise, hence we should give it top priority and aim to finish the public-facing portion of the site before January.

[edit] Accommodation

Lavamind has several points to raise but had to leave soon.

We have a sample of Red Cross beds which we'll use in January to create a mock accomodation room from which to take pictures/video.

[edit] Fundraising

Again, not much was done since last meeting.

As soon as the website is updated we can start following-up with potential sponsors.

[edit] Next meeting

The next meeting was originally planned for December 26, but since this is an inconvenient date for several people, we decided to move it to next Monday December 19, at the usual time (15:30 UTC).

[edit] Minutes

[edit] People present

  • lavamind
  • DLange
  • LeLutin
  • larjona
  • cate
  • billux
  • olasd
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