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[edit] DebCamp Skills Echange

We have people, we have BOF room, we have time.

Therefore we allocate the BOF room and meet to exchange skills, demonstrate software, share tips.

Add below here what you are interested in and what you can teach or show, then we meet and improvise something of it.

You can look at DebCampSkillsExchanged to see sessions that have already happened. If you missed them, you can contact the person who held the session and ask for a repeat.

Enrico: DebConf is starting and the schedule is getting very full of interesting things. I have no idea where to schedule events, so people who are interested please try to get the event organised together with the speaker'

[edit] Offers

[edit] PostgreSQL and/or PL/PgSQL

I have a fun tutorial on PL/PgSQL which gives a pretty good idea of the power of the language.

By: Andrew McMillan

Interested people:

  • Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta
  • add your name here

[edit] Git

A git tutorial is quite common but there are always new things to learn. In my case I have a very basic knowledge about git and would like to improve it.

By: expert wanted

Interested people:

[edit] Haskell

I was asked to offer some Haskell stuff. Is there interest? If yes, what kind (beginner, advanced tricks, packaging)? Anyone else who would like to contribute to such a skill exchange?

By: Joachim “nomeata” Breitner

Interested people:

  • add your name here

[edit] OpenStreetMap

Anyone wanting to discuss Openstreetmap should see me durring Debconf -- I won't be at Debcamp. If there is enough interest I'll try and arange a room for the editing and/or using talks I proposed. (I'll be giving an overview talk.)

By: Blars Blarson

Interested people:

  • Joost van Baal (interested in Mapping Party, if someone is willing to lend me a GPS-device (I don't have one))
  • Martin Michlmayr
  • add your name here

[edit] Other submissions

DebCampSkillsExchangeExtras lists other submissions that are not particularly related about exchanging skills but can nevertheless provide interesting discussions.

[edit] Guide to adding to the page

Express interest in a skill by adding your name to the list of interested people.

Request a skill by creating a section with it, write "By: expert wanted" and add your name to the list of interested people.

Offer a skill by creating a section with it, write "By: YourName" or replacing "expert wanted" with your name.

Schedule your session by getting a BOF room and add time and place to the title.

[edit] Template new entries

[edit] Example offered skill

By: MyName

Interested people:

  • add your name here

[edit] Example wanted skill

By: expert wanted

Interested people:

  • add your name here, and your level of expertise

[edit] Past skills exchanges

DebCamp 7 skills exchange

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